We are souls. We are not the shell.

Never allow your shell to distract you from developing the traits within your character that truly beautify who you are. First begin with your thoughts. Ask yourself.. 🎐Are my thoughts beautiful? Do I assume the worse and think negatively of others? Of situations? Am I cynical to the detriment of my own processing? 🎐Are my actions aligned with righteous values? Do I contradict the values I claim to believe in? 🎐How does my energy and existence impact the lives of others? How are those around me improved by my existence in their lives? What energy do I bring to a space? How is a room changed when I leave it? Better/Worse? There are many more self-reflective questions one may ask.. these are just a starting point and the limitations are up to you 🎐🕊🍃🌿 Glide through the world with a beautiful purpose. Never allow your shell to distract you from developing the traits within your character that truly beautify who you are. ✨🌼✨
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So true.

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