Same, no sign of labour and my due date was two days ago. With my first I was induced at 41+1. I really hope to avoid induction this time. 🤗
2 replies
Thank you, good luck to you and I hope you too avoid it. 🤗
It was my due date today too but I had her 11 days ago! Good luck to you!
1 reply
Thank you and congratulations xx
It’s my due date today as well. I’m having a lot of contractions but they are still 6-7 mins apart but I am so miserable and haven’t slept in 2 nights due to contractions. If he doesn’t come this weekend I’m getting induced Monday night!
2 replies
Thank you!! Same for you.
Awww good luck I hope he comes for you soon xx
This is my first pregnancy, I’d rather not be induced so fingers crossed something happens soon. Good luck and I hope you get to avoid it too xx