Support after a miscarriage

We lost our 6.5 week old baby today. This was my first pregnancy. My husband and I are a total wreck, we don't know how to handle this. I feel tramatized from going to the bathroom at 5am and seeing what I think was the baby. We are beside ourselves. 😭😭😭😭😭 what makes it worse is I saw the babys heart beat on Monday morning.
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I'm so sorry for your loss 😢

Im so sorry, its really the worst feeling, but I promise, it will get easier with time. Whether its an unborn baby, a significant other, or a grandparent.. its still loss. We're here for you.

I’m so sorry! I’ve been there and it’s awful. No words, but all the love and prayers ❤️

Know how you feel, I lost my first pregnancy too and saw the baby. Message me if you want to talk. I know it doesn't feel like it right now but it gets better. Do what you need to do, cry, scream, whatever. Don't hold it in x

So very sorry to hear about your loss dear but you hang on there. We waited 5 good years, I suffered 3 miscarriages before reaching here today. Consider this a test of time that requires your patience & for you to take consolation from your hubby & vice versa. You will get there & there are so many awesome ladies on this platform who are ready to support you. Just stay strong & take it slowly.

Are you sure it’s a miscarriage? Did you go to the doctors ? It could be a subchorionic hematoma. My gf thought she had a miscarriage but she didn’t it was that instead. 💕 https://www.whattoexpect.com/pregnancy/pregnancy-health/complications/subchorionic-bleeding.aspx

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We lost it. I went to the drs today. They did an ultrasound and the baby is gone.

Awe! I’m so sorry. Message me if you need to. My daughter had a fatal condition and was still born at 33 weeks. I know pain but also know faith and hope and seeing blessings and light at the end of it all. 💕

Sending all the love your way ❤️ I was 6.5 when I miscarried, it’s a gut wrenching pain that never goes away, you just learn how to better deal with it and it gets a little easier. You are not alone ❤️ reach out if you ever need to talk💕💕

I’m so very sorry. I lost my baby girl at 8 weeks. Please let yourself grieve. I am praying for you both. ❤️❤️❤️

I'm sorry for your loss love💕 Wishing you love & comfort during this holiday season

Hi sweetheart... I want to tell you that your baby is coming to you. The baby wants to come to you and your hubby with the healtiest body that he/she can get. Early miscarriage is mostly due to genetic issue which the fetus decides to stop growing. Absolutely not your or your hubby's fault by all means. Your baby is going to come to you and make you guys parents

Hi Nicole .. I m so sorry to hear about your loss .. it's heartbreaking i know .. he a string women God must be having a better plan for u and ur family.... please don't be depress you will have a baby in real soon... loads and loads of love and prayers for u both.. If u ever wana talk please give me a buzz... I would love to hear ... be strong sweetie❤

Im praying you thru

I am sorry for your loss. 🙏🏽

Feel free to message me. We lost our first baby early as well. So sorry for you loss

Praying for you!

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Sending prayers 🙏 you're way sweet heart ❤

Sorry for your loss Nicole . I was 6 weeks when I miscarried I know the pain you and your partner are feeling right now , but let me tell you this as over the days pass it get a little easier. don’t worry everything will be okay god will send you guys a lil blessing soon .stay strong !♥️

So sorry. It sucks so badly and so unfair. 💛💛💛

Sorry for your loss Nicole .I know what you feel .I had a marriage as well before twice and 2 months ago I just gave birth to a normal baby boy after 4 years of waiting.I will be praying for you .Stay strong 🙏

I’m so so sorry. Such a difficult time. Take time for you, relax and be kind to yourself.

So sorry for your loss xx

Hi Nicole, I’m so sorry for your loss! Please message me if you need to I have been through your pain! Please make sure you have lots of support around you! Thinking of you lovely 😢💞 xxxx

I’m so sorry for your loss. And I know your pain last year I miscarriages ay 6weeks. I’m here if you need anyone to talk to

I'm so sorry to hear that I had the same in May with my first but now nearly 22 weeks pregnant with my second. The main thing I've found thag helped me is to talk openly about it there's also a bereavement charity aching arms which is a great support not sure if your hospital mentioned it. Feel free to message me x

I'm really sorry for your lost. I lost my first baby too. I was almost 3 month pregnant and one week earlier we had an scan and everything was normal, we heart the hard bits too. The miscarriage was heartbreaking but in my case I realise I wanted a baby even more. Now I have the most beautiful baby boy but I still thinking in the baby that could have been. Miscarriage is awful but you get thru it, you just need time.

I’m so sorry for your loss! I too had a miscarriage at 6 weeks back in June. It’s so sad and so difficult. We had tried for about 5 months and we were so excited so it was devastating. There is a reason for everything even though we may not understand at the time. We are now pregnant with our rainbow baby and I am 11 weeks! Never lose hope!!❤️

So so sorry for your loss ❤️

so sorry for your loss! This happened to me previously baby was 7 weeks, it’s such an awful thing to have to go through. What you feel and your emotions are unbearable 😭 give yourself time to grieve, hope you have the right support around you! ❤️

Hi Nicole, I am so sorry for what you’re going through. My fiancé and I lost our first pregnancy due to Ectopic and we took it so hard. We cried for weeks. Allow yourself some time to grieve and check on each other. It’s ok to disconnect for a while, but I would recommend talking to close family and friends about it. It was incredibly helpful to be supported and loved on when we needed it most. All the best 💕✨

So sorry for your loss 🤍

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Really sorry for your loss. We went through the same thing in August last year, with what would have been our first born, at 11 weeks pregnant. Agree with what others have said, give yourself time to grieve and don’t be afraid to talk openly about it, that helped me. You won’t ever forget, but it does get easier. We now have a happy, healthy 4 week old little boy, but I still think about the little one we lost all the time 💖 xx

I’m so sorry 😢 this is horrible that this has happened to you and sadly it’s one of those pains that stay with us. They do say things happen for a reason all I can say is recover and when you feel strong enough try again sending my love and hugs 🤗 xx

so sorry, thinking of you🙏🏼❤️❤️

I am so so sorry for your loss. We had a very similar experience back in May. In time the trauma does fade down and become possible to deal with. And there is always hope for the future I promise you, although I know it may not feel like it now. Sending healing and strength to you both xxx

So very sorry and I’m glad we have these forums to support one another. We lost ours at 6 weeks back in May. I was on my way to the first appt when it was happening in the car. By the time I got there they confirmed it. It’s devastating and since then so many questions and insecurities about why and how it happened. We are pregnant again now. I’m 5 weeks. We’re happy but I’m insanely nervous. Ive allowed that miscarriage to shade some of the joy from this one, because I am just a ball of anxiety. But moreso I am grateful and hopeful. All one can be. Take your time and when you’re ready to try again just do what you can to stay positive Xoxo.

awww my i am so sorry to hear this. thoughts are with you 💕💕

So sorry for your loss xx

So incredibly sorry for your loss my darling. Take the time to feel and do what you need to!!! If it means not getting dressed or sleeping all day or eating a million things do it. The pain you feel will turn into your strength ❤️❤️❤️ This happened to me earlier this year with my first pregnancy. I was devastated. It’s not fair and it’s absolutely shit!!! I know it will happen for you - I’m now 13 weeks. Sending you so much love x

I am so sorry for your loss. Sending you and your husband lots of love 💗

My OB/GYN had the best words: genetics is such a mystery and a million things can go wrong, it’s a miracle that things ever go right. I went through the same thing you are feeling, I was petrified to get pregnant again because it’s either going to end in a birth or a miscarriage. And you never forget your angel baby, you’ll never forget what it was like to be pregnant with them. I also saw an article that said your body absorbs their DNA and you are forever changed physically, you’ll always carry a piece of them with you. I just found a lot of piece in knowing that. You will get pregnant again and you will cherish everything differently. My thoughts are with you today and sending you good healing vibes. Take your time to heal!!!

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