I left mine at home, probably more because I was lame and embarrassed to walk in with it. I didn’t miss it though. If you feel you want it, take it. If it gets in the way your partner can always take it home x
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I took mine, found it really useful. I even used it during labour 😊
I didn’t bring a pillow to the hospital ... their hospital pillows were so uncomfortable and flat it really Bothered me and my back so I sent my husband off to get me my pillow lol
I didn’t, and honestly I don’t think anything would have made a hospital bed comfortable
I did and the nurses laughed 😂 I used for the first day of my induction but then tossed it to the side after that. I'm not bringing one this time around. Things get messy after delivering + with BFing so I'll stick to hospital pillows next time
I was in the hospital for almost 3 weeks, so I got my hubby to bring mine. It definitely helped make the bed a bit more comfy! Although even just a regular bed pillow will help at least a little. If the pillows at your hospital are anything like the ones here, you'd need 4 or 5 of theirs to make a halfway decent pillow, they're so flat! Idk why they even bother having them.
I took mine and it was perfect idea 💡 with my C section it helped Alot with my stomach to keep it comfy and not hurt so much ☺️
Thank you so much! I was very much in two minds! It sounds like theres a few regrets not taking it so as awkward as it will look i think i will go for it (mine is massive! But soooo comfy!)
we had to change rooms a few times during labour and we were lugging a yoga ball around with all the bags (I was induced)- a bit tricky!xoxo
I brought mine, it was so good for whilst I was waiting to be induced, didn't have it during labour because I didn't want to ruin it. After she was born it was really good for keeping me propped up and for feeding her as well cause I was exhausted and holding her completely took it out of me (I had been awake for about 3 days).
I didn’t and didn’t miss it! Once the baby’s out the pregnancy aches and pains are gone! I asked the midwife to bring me extra hospital pillows to prop me up in bed and she did, also the beds are adjustable so you can move them into a sitting position. We had so much stuff with us in the bags, it was really annoying to have to carry it all around the hospital anyway (I was induced so moved from induction ward to delivery room to operating theatre to recovery room to ward - and each time all my bags had to move with me!)
I didn't as I was in the birthing center so HD an actual double bed for labour however I say countless dads dragging bags with pillows to the labour ward and had I went there I'd of brought mine too tbh
I took it, was so useful as I had a 3B tear so needed all the cushions I could get and it helped me feed easily
This is sounding like a stick it in the car, but don’t take it in. Then if you want it it’s easy to pop out and get.
I brought it. They told me I wouldn't need it but those beds are difficult enough to get in and out of and I wanted to be comfortable.
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I brought mine, we ended up having to stay an extra 3 days and it was SO helpful. I don’t know how I would’ve done without it.
Don’t laugh but I’m bringing 4 sleeping pillows and a hoppy from home. I’m a Hugh maintenance sleeper lol. Do you
1 reply
You can totally laugh 😆
I took my breastfriend boppy pillow as I suffered back pain with my first with the floppy hospital pillows n couldn't get comfortable
My midwife has advised me to bring mine x
I didn’t take mine and I really regretted it! Better to have it and not need it.
I think I’ll be taking mine or I’ll get one of the triangular ones x
I’d definitely take something even if not huge- you may have a nursing pillow which is like moon 🌙 shaped? That will help and also it’s better than the god awful NHS pillows 🙈😂
I wished I did. It would have been worth bleeding all over it to be more comfortable!
I brought my regular pillow but not the big pregnancy one. The hospital beds are uncomfy and nothing is gonna help lol
I requested a bunch of extra pillows and it did the trick. I used my pregnancy pillow everyday during pregnancy(couldn’t sleep without it) but with the amount of liquids coming out of you and moving around constantly, I wouldn’t recommend it. It would just be something else to worry about getting blood on. Unless you are ok with tossing it out after. You do you though😁
I wish id taken at least 1 pillow in!!
I definitely brought mine and regular pillow too! The hospital pillows tend to be small, flat and uncomfortable
💯 take it
I just took a regular pillow, I couldn't sleep once the contractions started so I didn't use it until after I'd given birth but could have lived without it tbh. I was only in for 8 hours after though so not on a ward or sleeping. I got home and kicked my pregnancy pillow straight out of bed for the extra room and cuddles, really didn't need it after the baby arrived because what bump remained wasn't heavy or uncomfortable
I brought my normal pillow for my head and was glad I did
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I wouldn’t take a pregnancy pillow but I would take at least 1 extra pillow
I stayed in hospital overnight a few weeks back and took a regular pillow and it made such a difference!! I wouldn’t have slept at all without it. I think I’ll keep the pillows in the car during labour and my boyfriend can pop out and get them if I need them... I don’t think I’ll need them during labour but I think it’ll help afterwards. That way it just looks like a kind thoughtful boyfriend bringing them in as an afterthought rather than it being planned all along 😏😂
I brought two of mypillows (regular one but staffed a lot). It made huge difference. You can adjust the bed but more pillows make it much comfortable. Breastfeeding pillow as well if C-section is the way of delivering and you want to breastfeed but not in a side(which convinient if baby is not too small as mine;))
I brought nursing pillow, which is comfortable to use as pillow for myself as well :)
I was an idiot and didn't bring mine no sleep for 2 nites 😭😭
I was in so much pain I think it would’ve been nice to have one!!
Is it weird I don't remember lol
I used mine quite heavily before and after the labour while in hospital it helped me to stay comfortable etc x
I took my pregnancy pillow and I will again this time i just left it in the car for while I was in Labour then got my partner to get it after I had the baby x
I got my pillow (regular one) my own robe and blanket. I was very glad I did I was comfortable and knew that there were wash the way I like it. I don’t like the hospital smell... baby got to cuddle with me in my own blanket and she loves the same blanket so much
I wish I had. I ended up having to stay at the hospital for 14 days and was so uncomfortable
Brought like 3 pillows
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I took my v pillow in x
Yessssss!!!!!!!!!!! I would bring regular pillows too just because the hospital pillows suck!!!
I didn’t, I also never even thought about it until right this moment and I’m sure it would have been amazing. I say bring it!
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Took mine highly reccomend it - so much more comfortable
I would definitely recommend take it with you,you want regret !! I took my two pregnancy pillows!
I wish I took mine 😩
I took my v pillow, dressing gown and fav blanket for my comfort. I've so far been in hospital for 18days and so glad I have those comfort items
2 replies
Sharon on you on bed rest? Why 18 days?
I was admitted for an incompetent cervix then my daughter was born early on April 1 at 28w. I was on bed rest leading up to her birth but since her birth no, just wanting a few comforts from home because I've been in emergency accommodation since her birth
Honestly in my opinion it’s just not worth the hassle. They have plenty of pillows.
Yes this is my thoughts too! X