Growing a human is no joke: the hormones, the sickness, the baby names. Peanut is here to share real stories from real women and expert advice to support you.
40+2 weeks today and have decided to go with being induced as my babies movements had changed and I had some blood that was concerning so after being examined by the doctor I have decided to be induced. Obviously nervous as hell and didn’t “plan” for this so anyone who can give me some advise/ share positive experie...
I'm 34+4, I'm excited to be a mum. But since I've been on maternity leave, almost 2 weeks now. I just feel lost, useless with no motivation. I feel it's just a waiting game. Also I've had to inject blood thinners into my tummy every night, and I hate needles. It's getting harder now, less flesh to grab. Also got d...
I noticed all of her comments gone in the last thread I saw her in. Hope she is okay.
so i decided to ask my son this was his response. Hes going to be 3 do you think its fair to honour what my son said?
20 weeks tomorrow and I’ve woken up this morning with what feels like a softer stomach to normal. Is this concerning?
Hi ladies! I will be 37 week tomorrow and today I have lost my mucus plug, I’ve been getting really sore cramps all week and I can feel baby’s head in my cervix! Do you think labour is approaching or is it likely that my mucus plug will regenerate?
How long after your c section did you wait to shave your bits? 😅 I’m 4 weeks pp and dyyyyiiiinnnnggggggg to remove my hair!!! 🤣
Hi! I just found out that you can post the photo of your 12 week scan on chat GPT and they will tell you if it’s a boy or a girl :) My question is: has anyone that already knows the sex tried? Was it accurate?
Hello, anyone else experienced blood in urine at 14 weeks? Hoping it’s nothing worrying and just a UTI. Had bloods and urine sample done. Sat at A&E absolutely terrified. Been to the toilet again twice and no blood. No pain.
Why’d nobody tell me it would hurt after having a c section 🥲 I think I just died a little
When did/does your baby actually start to create a kick pattern? I was told at 24 weeks but I have seen mixed messages about this. I’m 23 weeks and every day I feel as though she has a different pattern so some days I start to worry that she isn’t moving at night but way more in the day (she always moved at nigh...
This is my second pregnancy. I'm 37+5. Yesterday at my prenatal appointment I was 5cm and she could feel the amniotic sac bulging. She said she didn't know how my water hadn't broken yet! Anyway, I feel like I'm having contractions, but they're not painful and I'm so lost. They were 10 minutes apart (which is when ...
Is anyone getting a date for a scheduled induction? i know people are getting their c-section dates but im wondering if its the same process for vaginal inductions?? My dr told me I will be induced at 37 weeks due to complications and thats 2 weeks today. I like the thought of having a date so I can get myself pre...
Had my scan this morning and it was everything I had hoped for🌈measuring 6w 3d and could see flicker of a heartbeat✨ Sending sticky baby dust to everyone❤️
Hello I am new to the app. Please can someone advise what I should be packing for babies hospital bag. I am due June 2025 and my first baby. Xx
I’m just wondering if anyone has opted for an induction and has been accepted? I’m in constant pain😢 I’m having this baby (second baby) in the countess of Chester this time and not sure what their policy’s are on elective inductions?
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