Community Posts, Tips & Support on First Trimester

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on First Trimester.

Hello there

I’m 14 weeks 4 days. Today my nurse explained to me that 1. I’m having a baby boy. And that 2. My baby boy shows signs of having Klinefelter syndrome(non life threatening, in short he has XXY Chromosomes). I was a lil sad at first cause I mean I just felt like I did something to cause it but I think I’m coming arou...


Overwhelmed Mama!

Currently, 37 weeks pregnant and trying to buy a house and find a new car. If anyone has a list of baby things, I need to make sure I have before baby arrives as my brain is so fried I feel I'm not prepared or have everything.



Does anyone else feel like their pregnancy is going sooooo super slow? all i see is posts about how people’s pregnancies have gone by so fast and quickly meanwhile i feel like mine is dragging🥲just me?😬🤣


How do you plan on announcing!?

I’m still super early so other then a few friends and one family member knowing I’m going to wait until July to announce! I plan on doing a 4th of July announcement!! What ideas do you guys have for yours?


Baby boy 🩵

Had an OB appointment yesterday for an anatomy scan and confirmed we will be having a baby boy 🩵 We picked out his name back in March, Mr. Carson Allen will be making his first appearance October 4th!! I’m so excited I can’t wait!!


New future Mama here.

I’m so nervous and excited all at once.


Accepting Pregnancy- Pregnancy Journal

Hey future December mamas! I wanted to share with any moms struggling to accept or get excited about pregnancy since we are still early etc I got a pregnancy journal off amazon (did it with my first too) and it really helps you get in the mindset. This one has specific questions each week so good guide. I was jour...


The dreaded 12 weeks

Anyone else feeling like getting to the 12 week mark is taking forever! I feel like I’ve known I’m pregnant for a lifetime but it’s only been a week since finding out😂 Anyone have any tips on how to help the anxiety of waiting ??


Fed up!!

Anyone just at that stage of totally fed up now? I’ve got 8 weeks left and I’ve not had the best pregnancy this time around and I’ve put on so much weight this time with my girl I literally don’t recognise myself anymore. Totally fed up 😩



Got my positive yesterday at 10dpo.. not quite the same celebration as with my first child as I have had a chemical and a missed miscarriage since then so I’m on edge but feeling hopeful ☺️☺️ it would have been my due date today and I was dreading it so this makes it a little easier! ❤️


Finding out at 3 weeks - could it mean I’m have twins?

Silly question, but I found out I was pregnant at 3 weeks & 2 days. This would be my second pregnancy and I don’t recall showing this early last time (testing I mean). Could it mean I’m have twins lol? I don’t want to go for an early scan, I’m happy to just wait for the 12 weeks NHS one (dating scan) but wondered if...


Anyone else find the

‘No sign of baby yet?? Messages fucking infuriating?!


So done with work😅

Incognito because I don't know who may be on here! 4 days left and I just can't 😅 working from home, zero motivation. I just don't care anymore and my head is thinking of all the other baby prep things I could be doing instead 🥴


1 year since my girl came out of the freezer!

This time last year was our IVF transfer day, our little embryo started growing as soon as it was taken off ice she was so determined to make it! Such an emotional day I’m so unbelievably grateful for our little miracle 🥹🥰


Due date 😃

So my due date is tomorrow but still no signs of baby girl, I’ve got a sweep booked for today anyone got any advice for me ?


Second time mummas

Anyone else pregnant for the second time and showing really early. It is probably just bloat but I never showed anything with my first until about 17 weeks where as I’m now 6 weeks and in the evenings I literally look pregnant!! (which isn’t great at work when no one knows lol)


How many kiddos?

How many kiddos do you have? We have 5 and possibly pregnant with number 6 😱 I wanted another but i also feel crazy lol


Hit a wall! Anyone else struggling?

Iv had enough. I am 36 weeks today and I know I’m so close now but today I’m really feeling it! I have a rash all over my bump that’s so itchy, I can hardly move due to so much pressure and how big my bump is. We are in the process of moving house in the next few weeks so I don’t know whether I am coming or going. I...


Baby boy

It was finally my go and my baby boy arrived the morning 14th at 10am. It was all very dramatic so I won’t detail it as you ladies waiting need the positive stories and most are! This little group has been a life line the last few weeks of pregnancy Thankyou everyone. People who’s babies are out or who have had any...


So done with being pregnant now!

37+2 and absolutely desperate for baby to arrive. I can’t sleep, can’t breathe, can barely move most of the time. Im so so uncomfortable and it’s harder knowing it could happen at any moment, or in 5 weeks… just having a moan as it’s 1am and my partner is able to sleep no problem and I’m here tossing and turning all...


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