Community Posts, Tips & Support on Second Trimester

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Second Trimester.

Health problems since pregnancy

Anybody else feeling like they've gained a load of health issues and are constantly at the drs since having a baby? I have things going wrong with my stomach, heart, lungs, bowels I'm just living in constant fear 🥺



“The first trimester isn’t that bad” & then I get a nasty head cold😂 holding back vomit while coughing is not for the weak😅😅😅


Test results

Anyone else checking badger app 20x a day waiting for their blood results to come back 🤦‍♀️


Retained placenta

I’m due to give birth any day now however have severe anxiety about it all as my last pregnancy 2 yrs ago I had a retained placenta. The whole experience was traumatising and I’m soo scared of this happening again, has anyone had a retained placenta and then the next pregnancy everything was fine? I’m really praying...


Am feeling worried

I'm 19w 2d and I usually feel the little one in morning or night. Just a few bubble popping worth if that makes sense. I've not felt much yesterday or any so far this morning... do I need to be worried? I understand there's loads of space in there for them, and I don't want to Google as it takes you down a rabbit h...



This pregnancy has been taken my whole soul since finding out at 4 weeks…..severe acid reflux, gestational diabetes, complete placenta previa with no movement at 34 wk, contractions starting, 3 trips to hospital due to placenta previa, along with being in pain all day with working full time. 🥹🫣


Anyone else thirsty all of the time??

I'm insanely Thirsty all of the time and drinking lots. I tested negative for GD and wondered if anyone else is going through this. It doesn't matter how much I drink nothing quenches the Thirst


GA meaning?

Hi mommas, Had our first scan on Boxing Day🥰 Anyone have anything idea what GA mean?? It says GA=9w3D Thankyou❤️


Worried I won’t love my child

I’m 39 weeks pregnant and I’m terrified I won’t love my child. Is this normal? I feel like I should already love her but I don’t really feel much towards her at all. My partner feels so much already towards her so I just feel guilty.


Test results before doctor calls

I will get a call from my doctor later in the week but my results for my 3 hour glucose test got released to me early. Does this look like I have gestational diabetes?


Hey girlies

I’m 37+2 and I’m the most pissed off I’ve ever been 😂 I feel so bad for my partner but I’m so nasty and I can’t help it, only been a couple of days but I have no idea where it’s come from or how to handle it. After my consult appointment yesterday I was told that Baby girl is breech AGAIN but I won’t have another…



Hey. When is the best time to build pram up? I’m 31 weeks on Friday x



I am SO anxious for the year ahead . Money , if I’m a good mum, what problems might be ahead of me . I’m struggling to be happy today . My New Year’s Eve when I watched the fireworks was just depressing . This country’s a mess (uk) , I can’t cheer myself up . I’m having a new baby in July and the anxiety of that an...


Preggo rant 😭 husband basically called me fat

So we were watching Squid Game season 2 (no spoilers in this post, also please don't comment any spoilers) and there's a pregnant character that was on screen, and she's supposed to be 6-7 months pregnant, but she doesn't have an obvious bump. My husband kept saying "there's no way she's pregnant" and "they can't re...



I just had my baby and it was a very difficult pregnancy and labour was scary but thanks to god my baby came out safe and healthy but since I’ve been home I’ve been very paranoid about everything to the point I just can’t sleep scared something’s going to happen to her I was wondering if any moms have any advice on ...


Had a rough last few days.... But there's good news...

Been to Labor and Delivery 3 times in the last few days, but now I'm being watched very closely because I'm dehydrated, have GD and now starting to have preclampsia... And I'm dilated to a 3 and 50% effaced... I'm not due until 1/26/25 so that's 36 weeks 2 days currently. So after having to go have a follow up afte...


Rectal pressure

Anyone experience rectal pressure? I’m 38 weeks and I think baby finally dropped because I have to pee every 5 minutes but also I have the urge to go #2 as well. I also have a gassy feeling too! It’s sooo uncomfortable lol 😒



How has your mood been during your third trimester? My anxiety has been through the roof and I’ve had an overall low mood here lately. I’m hoping it’s just hormones and it goes away once baby is here 😩


37 weeks?

I must of misunderstood or heard someone online incorrectly but I was under the impression that once you get to 37 weeks, it meant you were full term but now I am seeing things online that say that is still premature? Can anyone tell me what you were told? (Currently 33 weeks)


Nervous about motherhood

As we get closer to having our babies, is anyone else nervous/ anxious about motherhood and life with a baby? I went through pregnancy loss prior to this baby and it was a long road to get here- they are so wanted but I'm such a worrier that I do worry about things like if I'll do a good enough job, what if my menta...


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