Medically-reviewed expert guides, tips, real-life stories, and articles on Pregnancy.
I’m 30 weeks pregnant tomorrow and I messaged my midwife to say I would like an elective c section yesterday and asked how we go about this.. She replied to say, wait for my next hospital appointment ( that’s in 3 and a half weeks time) and see what they say from there.. as I’m still very early on in my pregnancy??...
Hello, I was just wondering if anyone else if having difficulty losing their lower stomach after having a c-section. I have tried multiple different diets, calorie deficits etc however can’t get rid of it. Does anyone have any tips or advice ? Tia
One consultant I’ve seen was happy for me to have a C-section and preferred it due to my bmi and pregnancies being close but I’ve just seen another at 20 weeks and she said no unless I don’t go into labour by 40 weeks. My last pregnancy was elective at 40 weeks and because I know what to expect etc I absolutely wa...
Hey girls, can I hear your induction story’s due to your baby measuring big? So at my 34+5 midwife appointment baby was measuring big (off the scale) and breech which he has been for the past 10 weeks, midwife refered me for a scan but instead they done a glucose test, all come back normal luckily. I’m 36 weeks + 5...
What age did everyone’s baba hold their head up during tummy time or laying on their front?
Right quys I swear I’m going mad! I’m 10wks+2 and I swear I can feel the baby moving. This is my 2nd pregnancy. Anyone else have this or am I just mad 🤣
Has fast do you usually get booked in for a growth scan? I was referred on Friday as I was measuring at 31 but I’m 36w - I asked the midwife yesterday and expressed I was worried & when I should expect to get booked in and she said it could be next week??? I know just because I’m measuring small it doesn’t actually ...
Has anyone asked to be induced? I’m 39weeks tomorrow but been up constant for movements. I was in today and they said if I was 39 today they would induce but instead have asked me to come back tomorrow and then ask… were you induced straight away like the same day?
Hi everyone! I thought I would also join the June 2025 babies as I could have my baby in June if he is measuring big they want to induce me at 38 weeks which will be on the 20th June! 😊🥰
Baby number 2, I don’t have an appointment booked for 25 weeks to see the midwife but have a 28 week one..does everyone get a 25 week appointment regardless?