Medically-reviewed expert guides, tips, real-life stories, and articles on Pregnancy.
Hi all, does anyone have that outer hip pain when they sleep on their sides? I am officially a nightmare to sleep with🙈…. And toss and turn on side side because of the discomfort on the outer hips, does anyone have this and what they done to help it? Thank you! X
Two years ago I had a stroke. I was 29 years old at the time and it happened on Christmas Day. My parents rushed to call the ambulance and they said they would be 45 minutes. They then took me in the car which took around 15 minutes. Once I got to the hospital I wasn’t triaged by a nurse until 15 minutes later (I wa...
Me thinking my bump had dropped on Monday compared to today 😳 wow 😅
Hi, so I’m having my third girl. I can’t for the life of me find a name I like. I love unique double barrelled names.. I have a few I like but my partner hates them so they can’t be used. Help!!! My other girls names are Ariah-Mae Darcie-Rose
Could I see scans at 6 weeks 4 days please? X
Would this be something to worry about? I’m 29 weeks today and just been for a pee, when I wiped I noticed some pinky coloured blood on the paper. I was at mat assessment for reduced movements earlier in the week and was scanned and told everything was okay but that baby was measuring along the 3rd centile so I’ve...
32+5 and had very light spotting after sex. Is this normal? Is it something I should call triage over? Thanks ☺️
For mums who have given birth looking back now were there any weird signs that birth was coming? Or was it a shock. Obviously we know about stomach issues cramps plug sickness etc I want to know if there were any weird symptoms or a feeling of just knowing?
Hi I’m 28w and I can’t seem to find a pattern in baby’s movements. Sometimes she’s violently kicking me all day and doing somersaults and some days I barely feel her, and there doesn’t seem to be a pattern at all through the day. Is anyone in the same boat? I’m going to speak to my midwife this week about it but won...
I believe that the NHS should provide an early ultrasound at 8 weeks instead of waiting until 12 weeks