Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Health & Nutrition.
Our little sausage had CMPA diagnosed 31st of Jan and we have been waiting for a referral - they rejected that one because no height and weight on the letter so have re-referred but trying to speak to someone is proving to be nigh on impossible. Totally dairy and soya free but bubba has had a huge flare and I have n...
Does anyone have a favorite protein shake powder? I’m looking for one that is completely natural, no artificial sweeteners or additives, and whey based. Would prefer no chalky taste and that it mixes well.
How much is your LO eating now? Like meals and bottles..
My SIL little girl has been constipated for a few months now and we were thinking its from the Kendamil formula. We are wanting to change it but we are unsure which one to get. We have been thinking about SMA or Hipp organic. Any ideas?
Everywhere I look at the moment there seems to be pistachio flavour everything. Drinks, chocolate, desserts etc etc. Do you think it's worth the hype?
If your answer is yes, curious to see how much you spend on groceries on a weekly basis?
I really need prayer rn because it’s a lot going on in my life rn, heavy spiritual warfare and I’m addicted to this keto ice cream right now…it doesn’t really raise my blood sugar that much and it’s super good but I sit there and eat the whole pint…now I find myself buying liken 3-4 pints a week and after I eat dinn...
I would assume it is… The thought came to mind because usually when I hear “eating disorder” i immediately think of anorexia or some form of NOT eating but it very well could also mean eating too much. Right??
Family of 4 in SoCal, and we don’t eat meat. We spend close to $1000
If you have moved to 3 meals and 3 bottles what does your routine look like?
What’s your routine?
Got told i have high cholesterol and i need meals/tips to help with it 🙃
I need help
Can’t seem to find this anywhere! All shops have ran out, and online/amazon too! Is anyone else having this problem?
Help! I start off the day tracking my calories, being ‘healthy’ then it all goes out the window by the afternoon/ evening
Hi, I’m nearing the time to start eating 4-6 dates a day. Has anyone got any advice on which ones? Medjool, Deglet Noor, Khalas? Or does it not matter which ones?
Doctor said to slowly introduce dairy and other common allergens. How has this gone for everyone?
I cannot get full?? What are we eating in the day? I’m eating loads of carbs, nuts, big bowls of oats, but balanced with fruit, veg and lots of water but I can’t get full. Help 😂
Can anyone recommend some budget friendly meals that are relatively healthy, feel awful we’ve all been eating out the freezer for ages because we’ve never been this skint 😢
I'm doing a calorie deficit the meal is 390 grams but the portion I have is 360 grams but my problem is it was a batch cook decided to 4 and this one is less how do I put it as if I only ate the 360 g of that 390 portion? My brains frazzled