Giving birth is wild. From contractions to water births, hospital bags to c-sections, here’s what you need to know. Read real stories from real mamas and explore expert advice on what to expect during labor and birth.
Little Emmie arrived early (due date 17th) at 5.11am this morning. We’re both doing great. Woke up at midnight to a big contraction and went to the toilet and passed a huge blood clot (not mucus plug). Rang triage and they said to come in so we took our stuff just in case. They were concerned with the blood I was l...
In 6 days post planned c-section. My wound is looking well and I have no concerns in that aspect. Today the wound has been feeling so tight and sore, almost like a burning sensation, is this normal and a part of the healing process?
Our little bab(or maybe not so little😂) has been measuring around the 90th percentile throughout my pregnancy, I’m wondering if anyone has any advice on the sizes I should take for baby? Is newborn likely to be no good? He’s predicted to be 8/9lbs via the growth scans 🥰 I’m such an unnecessary packer as it is, so…
Just had an emergency c section last night and as you can imagine the pain is unbearable. Any tips and tricks to ease the pain (e.g. medication, positions to lie down in, heat or cool packs to the area?) Any advice would be great really 🙈
Do you guys think im going to have my baby soon?
I’ve had little bits of what I think is part of my mucus plug over the last week or so and today and yesterday almost every time I’ve been to the loo there has been some but nothing else seems to be happening. Has anyone else experienced similar?
I’m 39weeks+3 and still haven’t lost my mucus plug, anyone else ? xx
Should I be worried that my baby is measuring at 95th percentile at 21 weeks? My OB said she is measuring big but not insanely big.. is there time for this to change? I’m a FTM so I’m lost..
I'm really nervous because my hospital has scheduled my C-section for May 5. My last C-section was 12 years ago, and I don't remember anything about it since I was under anesthesia. I'm looking for some positive stories to help ease my mind.
Hey! I know everyone's situation is different, but to those mamas who've had an elective section: How long did you have to stay in hospital for? Thanks! X
I am so torn between having baby at our local birthing centre which is such a lovely calming/home from home/relaxed atmosphere And having the back up of medical interventions at hospital if needs be......I'm low risk and midwife has recommended birth centre as that's where my anti natal appointments have been etc.....
Anyone else is already dilated…went to get check today for some contractions and they checked my cervix and told me am 1cm dilated and 50% effaced 😯
Keep seeing videos of people Getting the shakes after a c section and epidurals. I’m terrified!! I’ve seen anti sickness can be given to stop vomiting but what can be done for the shakes? It’s so scary to see 5 weeks before you’re due a planned c section :/
2 hospitalizations Multiple abscesses Multiple things cut out and removed A month of total time spent in the hospital for multiple stays 4 times being under full anesthetic 17 iv lines 6 emergency room visits 10 ct scans 4 mri scans 10 surgical scars 6 new specialist doctors 8 law firms declinin...
When do you get your provisional date for an elective section at Qeqm does anyone know or have experience please
I’ve been told today that I could be induced today / tomorrow. I’m 39+1 and having CTG every other day for reduced movements. But I don’t know if they are just offering it to get the baby out because I am full term and being monitored often. Trying to work out whether to accept the induction or not. Has anyone exp...
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