Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Labor & Birth.
I would like to start planning for my second baby but I’m terrified. Desperate for a VBAC but either option scares me after emergency c section. Had a rough recovery aswell. Did you/are you waiting 18 months or 2 (+) years for next baby? Really would like a second baby with smaller age gap but I’m also extremely pan...
Has anyone asked to be induced? I’m 39weeks tomorrow but been up constant for movements. I was in today and they said if I was 39 today they would induce but instead have asked me to come back tomorrow and then ask… were you induced straight away like the same day?
Just wondering if anyone has refused an induction and regretted it? I’ve been told I’m having a big baby and will be induced at 40 weeks. I want to say no but also don’t want to be doing the wrong thing for me and my baby
Went back to triage today due to the Dr not updating my midwife his report after been sent there on 22nd due to baby girl been under the 10th centile he told me today I could be getting induced at either 38 or 39 weeks if baby hasn't shown a change at my next appointment which is this Saturday so going to ask them w...
Hi all, The last two weeks I was sent to triage by my community midwife for high blood pressure. When I went to triage they got it down. I went to see my community midwife again today and the same thing happened however my blood pressure in triage was 141/86. I am not on any BP medication as they don’t want my bloo...
31 weeks and my baby has been breech for the past few apts. Is there anything I can do to try help him turn as I’m really hoping for a water birth and today my midwife mentioned a c section if he doesn’t move by 34 or 36 weeks.
Has anyone had both a planned and emergency C-section ? Was the recovery different to each other ? The doctors are pushing me for a C-section but all I keep hearing are horror stories about how bad recovery is and it’s making me nervous, I had a semi planned one 15 years ago but was a lot younger then so not sure wh...
How long was people in hospital for after a planned c section ? I am wanting to do this but not wanting to stay in for long
When is it safe to have a bath after having a c-section? .. I am 6 weeks post c-sec today and I am dying for a bath, I have been only showering and I am a real bath person. My post natal check isnt for another 2 weeks, is it best to wait for that or will it be ok now?
39 + 3 and I keep crying the past few days, a mixture of emotional/anger tears, everything seems to be annoying/irritating me. I then cry more when I think about my baby feeling the sadness and seem to spiral. I had such a bad crying fit the other day I was worried baby wasn’t getting enough oxygen. I’m trying my ...
Tomorrow is my week 36 appointment with my regular OB and after seeing my high risk Dr today, she thinks I can make a case to be induced at 39 weeks! I know there are different opinions on getting induced and I 100% respect everyone’s preference on how they labor & deliver. For me personally, I am hoping I can sche...
Anyone ever had there wound come undone - I’ve notice today two small areas that look like they are open. It never happened with my first so not really sure if it is opening or bits of skin.
Has anyone gone into spontaneous labor during the day?? I was sure I was going into labor last night and here we are still pregnant
I’m due tomorrow 3/26 and I lost my mucus plug this morning! any idea of the chances that I’ll go into labor and have my baby on his due date. I think I’ve been having contractions every 7-10 minutes apart. But I’m a first time mom and hoping what I am feeling is indeed even contractions lol
Hi ladies, looking for advice from anyone who went private with C&W hospital, I am currently 27 weeks pregnant and have decided to switch to private care due to health related issues and would like to hear from anyone who went midwife led in the Kensington wing and those that went consultant led. If you went consult...
Hi, just got an OB who only delivers at this hospital. I'm curious about other people's experiences delivering here, I noticed online the hospital had a 2star review which makes me nervous. How was your experience here?
I'm pregnant with my second, breech baby, and elective csection booked. I've had an emergency c-section with my last pregnancy and wasn't prepared mentally or physically making my recovery months, so I wanted to make sure this time I was prepared. Has anyone used these products and recommend them or have good experi...
getting induced today 🤞🏻absolutely petrified, positive stories please !
One consultant I’ve seen was happy for me to have a C-section and preferred it due to my bmi and pregnancies being close but I’ve just seen another at 20 weeks and she said no unless I don’t go into labour by 40 weeks. My last pregnancy was elective at 40 weeks and because I know what to expect etc I absolutely wa...
My girl made her appearance finally at 41+4 She's 8lb 2oz and 20in long Had her all natural after 5 hours early labor and 2.5 of active labor!