Community Posts, Tips & Support on Labor & Birth

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Labor & Birth.

Is this mucus plug?

Hi ladies, I’m 31+2 weeks, and me and my partner had sexy time and he finished in me last night. All day today since I’ve woke up, when I’ve been wiping, this stringy, clear, jelly like mucus has been coming out of me. Is this my mucus plug? Should I be worried? Thanks all!


Induction day but no induction

I was admitted today to be induced but baby’s heartbeat is making it impossible once it dipped down to 70 and then after 4 hour again on the monitor he goes above 170 then 90 them suddenly 236 then 99 and now still on monitor but just sitting in the hospital and nothing else to be done other than monitor him to see ...


Is blodd supposed to be coming out of cord??

Cord fell off about 3 days ago. Keep finding blood on clothes and now accidentally touched it with wipe and blood is coming out??



What signs did you have that labor was near? Like next 24hrs near


Sex after C-section

I’m 3 months pp and I tried to have sec with my partner for the first time and it was so painful. Se tried again a few weeks later and it was just the same. I had a forcep delivery (which didn’t work) and then had an emergency C-section. Everything feels so swollen inside still and it’s just impossible to do. Did ...


Induction - C-Section

If you were induced and the first 24hr pessary didn’t work - did any of you opt for an elective c-section?


C-Section questions

Hi! For anyone who’s had a c-section previously; I know everyone’s different, but how long was it until you were allowed to drive again after a c-section?? And also how long were you kept in after?? I had my pre op today and completely forgot to ask🫣



i’m being induced this saturday and i was wondering what i needed to take with me? this will be my first baby and im pretty exited but very nervous as i dont know what to expect any advice on what to bring or expect would be lovely ❤️ x


How long after first c section did you get pregnant again ?

I want a second baby but I’m only 3 months pp


Delivery at 37 weeks

Has anyone delivered at 37 weeks and their baby not needed extra support? But if they did then what did they need and how long for


Being induced at 10 in the morning!

Feeling very nervous. Any tips for preparations or any thing I may of forgotten? Thanks ❤️👶🏼


Compression socks

I had an emergency c-section last Saturday, can I take my compression socks off yet ? I’m high risk so on injections for 6 weeks x


Mama's if not too intrusive

Why did you have a c-section before 39 weeks? I will eventually have a c-section, but it's all new to me..


csection infection

im 11 days post op and developed seromas with cellulitis and i am absolutely miserable and defeated by this whole journey … im warm compressing it and letting it drain on its own into gauzes per doctors order but the healing is looking slow and im so scared itll just get worse bc the wound is still very wet lookkng ...


When did your pain / contractions hurt??

So I’m just curious, considering everyone has different pain tolerance. Was your pain during labour a gradual increase, or was it from 1 to 10 in an instant? For example me, my pain went from 2 to 8 the minute my water broke, and I was already 6cm dilated.


Belly button

I’m completely worried about my little boy his umbilical cord fell off and he’s only 6 days old Now I need some advice I think it looks infected I’m thinking do we get him straight to urgent care or would it require more the midwifes to look at it as I’m really worried


Feeling more “wet” down there

I’m 6 weeks and 6 days. Has anyone had discharge that makes your underwear wet? I’m just wondering if this is normal for early pregnancy.


35 Weeks and in Early Labor for 4 days

So I'm 35 weeks with my first. I've been in the hospital for almost 4 days now in early labor. I decided to come in because I was cramping really bad and they found out I was already 3cm dilated. They are giving me medication to slow down contractions. Last night I was dilated to a 4 with my water bulging and the nu...


Prodromal labour - please help

Having prodromal contractions for almost 10 hours, 4/5 mins apart. I'm exhausted. Went to hospital, not dilated at all at 4pm today, told me to come back when they are 2 mins apart. Any one experienced this? Do they end before actual labour?


Induction of labour

Don’t know if anyone’s been through an induction at Exeter recently, but I’m due to be induced on Tuesday next week. The visiting hours state ‘24/7 for induction of labour’, can anyone tell me whether this means the entire process? So my appointment is at 10am, if they decide to keep me in until I go into labour, ca...


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