Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Labor & Birth.
Il every pregnancy is different just curious about others experiences
So at the hospital I gave brith at had some really good food , but not the best but better then other hospitals so I would like to know what you like while at the hospital.
Has anyone had a membrane sweep? How soon after did you go into labour?
When did you ladies start? I don’t want to encourage labour. I need to wait until my c section date lol
Just wondering if anyone has any tips on how to care for your incision when you have an overhang? Mine is pretty bad and I'm worried it doesn't get enough air to it, it will get infected. I'm 7 days post op and still struggling with living flat on my back. I have to sit at an angle to sleep for comfort and to avoid ...
How many pads should I pack in my hospital bag for after birth? Unsure if my hospital (UHW heath hospital) provides them or not but want to bring by own anyway.
Did you have natural delivery, emergency c section or planned c section.
I’m being induced on Monday and I’m so terrified. Second baby. Has anyone else been induced at CUH?
Hi, Does anyone know if there is a maternity led unit at southmead hospital or if it’s just CDS? Thanks in advance!
Anyone else’s child just like not grow?🤣 measured her in November,December and today(8th March) and she’s grown like the length of a pea😂 I’m very short and no joke stopped growing at 12 and my daughter was born very small and always been behind on growth which is fine she was following her growth line and I know…
Is it whilst peeing or can it just be random?
Anyone that’s had a colonoscopy.. did it hurt? (Seems a crazy question to ask after giving birth) I don’t know whether to get sedated as I’m scared it’s going to be painful otherwise 🙃
Had my elective c-section today at 39w2d! Was supposed to be on 3/6 but hospital was super busy so happened today, 3/7. Because there was no active labor, he had some amniotic fluid in his lungs and was monitored in the NICU for 45 minutes but has been with us ever since. 7.6lbs, 19 inches of pure love! FTM and lit...
I’ve been booked in for a c section tomorrow due to a breech baby and am so nervous! C section mamas, any advice? Is recovery really awful or manageable? Driving myself insane and spiralling so any advice is appreciated xx
Seems like everyone is having there baby’s early af this month i think it’s crazy
Hey Guys I noticed I only get wet during my ovulation, sex is good but other days I’m dry and don’t get wet I use lubricants for sex so I’m wondering if anyone else experience this and what did you do?
I had my first daughter in hospital and had such a traumatic experience the labour and delivery went smoothly but opting for a home birth this time. Would anybody else have a home birth?
Hello March mamas! I am scheduled to get induced next Thursday. How was your induction experience? What should I expect and look out for?
This wait is going to kill me 😭😭 hoping day before works for me… TMI: typically after my hubby and I baby dance his cum typically just comes out automatically as I pee after, however this time when I wiped there was pretty much nothing to wipe…. So I’m fingers crossed that could be good sign 😭😭 I want another…
Curious with what everyone’s doing about driving now? Have you stopped/will you stop at a certain point? I was driving for about an hour today, and then suddenly wondered what I would do if labour started whilst driving!