A healthy pregnancy isn’t just about the baby. You matter too. Discover real stories from real moms-to-be and expert advice on all things pregnancy care.
I’m not sure if you can tell at 10+4 but I’m really curious to see what others think. Is it too early to tell?
Due on period tomorrow! Should I expect a chemical!? Or is it too early for progression?
I have realised today that I never did a swab for Group B Strep, I definitely did this in my first pregnancy. I’m 37+3 today and my next midwife appointment I’ll be 39+1 (my 38 week appointment 🙄). I should definitely have done this by now right? I’m not going mad?
I know I’ve taken apart the test, it was within the time frame once the ink had settled… The glossy plastic was making it very difficult to see due to the light reflecting. Does anyone else see anything?
Am I crazy or is there a line? I’m going to retake in a few days but just want to not get my hopes up.
37 weeks and I haven’t started this yet! 😬 Has anyone’s vagina survived childbirth yet who didn’t do the massage?! Worried I am going to tear in half!!
Hey yall! My husband is currently in AIT (He graduates March 13th). We should be getting orders soon. How does it work? Do I also get them and start making arrangements? I looooove to plan, so I am just trying to get ahead and google isn’t really helping me hahah. Thank you!!
I just want like so bad.. do you guys see one? Yes or No Do you think it has color to it? Would it be a true positive? I’m 10dpo
Can you see that? I think I have line eyes 🙄😩 Edit: I’m asking if YOU see a line ladies, I know there’s probably no line because I KNOW I want there to be a line. 😂
Are you allowed them whilst pregnant ? I don’t have the box or leaflet to hand to check & never trust google xx
Af due tomorrow. Anyone see anything 😭
Hi! If you had to take off your rings in pregnancy, how long did it take to put them back in? I am 4 weeks pp now and still can't fit my wedding ring on. Is it possible that my fingers changed the size or should I be more patient with myself and wait with the size change?
Just reaching out to see if anyone is going through a similar thing. Had my results back yesterday and aim 35 + 1. The flag rate is 7.8 from a glucose test and mine came back at 7.9. Hoping to be able to manage it with diet but they have mentioned induction from 37 weeks. Anyone else going through the same?
And what has been your experience with the outlet sock? Do you recommend it? If now, why not? Mine is showing me very worrying fluctuating numbers
I feel like this time round between working and having a toddler I’ve done nothing nice for myself this whole pregnancy. I would love a spa day but I know most you are so limited doing anything when heavily pregnant. Can anyone recommend something nice /or somewhere nice for a mum to be to do/go to?
I had GD in my 1st pregnancy. I’m now pregnant again with my second. I have my glucose test in a couple of weeks (at 26 weeks). I was wondering what other people’s experiences are with GD in subsequent pregnancies?
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