Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Care.
Am I going crazy?! I am 10DPO
I’ve completely forgot when my midwife is coming round for a home visit! If I rang community midwives would they be able to tell me?
Are these good progression lines for one day apart
This is my second baby. I’m having my 34week midwife appointment on Tuesday. How regular are my appointments likely to be after this. I know they say second pregnancy they tend to do it less than before. Thanks 🙏
Is there a faint line?? Or just my eyes😿
I did a test to rule out pregnancy before intending to have a hot bath and a bit of treat meal and drink tonight, but is there a very faint line?
So u see a faint faint line
Hello, I’ve been diagnosed with GD last week and started to track it. So far it’s the fasting blood glucose level which is outside the range for me (had 4 high reading already). Does anyone have any tips what can I do to manage it? I’ve had a cervical cerclage done end of November and am on a bed rest, hence my mov...
I swear I see something but I know what clear blue are like, period is due tomorrow but never arrives on time anyway…
Does anyone have any tricks on how to control fasting sugar levels (? Mine is starting to be problematic. I have had GD since 8 weeks and I'm diet controlled. My morning fasting levels have been in range until recently and nothing I'm doing is working. Any tips would be appreciated.
Has anyone ever had their HCG level at 47 ? Is that too low or is that confirmed pregnancy? Thank you 🫶🏼
Is this a faint line??
Do you see a line???
A friend sent me this pic! What do you guys think?
So I’m Currently 15weeks+1day and have got my Upcoming appointment with The Midwife please can anyone tell Me what is been done Overthere I know def will do Urine sample but anything else so that I prepped
I am 9dpo today and I took a test this morning and I have been looking at this test for a while but I swear I could see something faint Anyone see it or just me?
Can someone explain what I’m looking at? I don’t understand what the lines mean.
Hi everyone, I have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes (yesterday) and I’m awaiting an appointment with the consultant and diabetes clinic. I’m a faddy eater, so just wondering if anyone can suggest any easy healthy meal plans that are quick as I’m still working full time and it’s so easy to just chuck piz...
Its an early test but im shaking is this what i think it is. In the time time too.
Had my.appt today and she just went through the usual checks etc. But we didn't mention about birthing plan or collecting colostrum etc.. when do we talk abt this ? My next appt is at 38weeks. I wudav thought I'd get one at 36weeks incase I give birth earlier