Around 1 in 4 women experience pregnancy loss. Explore real stories from real women and discover expert advice to help you navigate loss.
Heyyy, I found out I’m pregnant last night but after a recent miscarriage in November I can’t help but worry and think it might happen again, how do I put my mind at easeeee🥲🥲
Ive posted here a few times other groups too for advice about ectopic pregnancy and people’s opinions on methods as im in limbo at the moment and honestly don’t know what to do for the best and it feels like a big decision to make and im sad because ive not had a single reply
Can anyone please share their experience with a chemical pregnancy. Is the bleeding just basically a period because that’s what mine seems like? When did you go on to get pregnant after?
I fell pregnant sometime around june/july 2022, had no idea i was pregnant until 34 weeks ( they Estimated due to size ) My daughter came at 37 weeks via c section ( i chose that option). So as you can imagine having no idea all that time, no prenatal vitamins etc were taken, over xmas i had a sip or two of Alcohol ...
I’m pregnant with my rainbow baby after suffering a missed miscarriage in June last year. I’m 10 weeks tomorrow but feeling so worried as I don’t feel pregnant. I’ve had two scans and have another on Sunday to check baby is growing. I lost my last baby at 9 weeks and 4 days. Just wanting to talk to other mummas wh...
I had a miscarriage a few months ago and now 7 weeks pregnant. We've seen a heartbeat on an early scan so this pregnancy has already progressed further than the last one. Problem is I'm obsessively worrying about something going wrong again. I haven't had any extreme cramps or bleeding so now I'm obsessing over the ...
Today I woke up noticed I had bleeding on my sheets but wasn’t a lot and in my underwear still not a lot no blood came out from me peeing I’m 6 weeks and 4 days I have a appointment at 11..I’m wondering if it’s another miscarriage
I had a miscarriage at 17 weeks, how soon did people try again and have a successful pregnancy? I really don’t know what to do.
I’m currently 16 weeks pregnant and so worried about hurting my friend’s feelings. She unfortunately has had 4 miscarriages and struggling, her last one was only a few weeks ago. I’m putting off telling her because I don’t want to be insensitive but I know I need to. Any advice must appreciated
Has anyone had low PAPP-a in a pregnancy after previous miscarriages and had a successful pregnancy. I'm worried as I've read up on it and some websites have said you can miscarry in the second trimester and others don't mention it as a risk. I'm really hoping after finally getting to my second trimester I'm not goi...
I've had 2 previous early losses, both naturally conceived pregnancies and both treated conservatively. My first loss was at 6+5, and it took 4 weeks for my hCG to return to normal (I had bleeding for around a week, then it stopped and restarted again). I remember the pain being quite intense for a couple of days. ...
When did you start TTC? When were you successful? Please post any stories. I am so anxious and know it's going to be hard, but I want a baby still so much. Praying for my rainbow in the next few cycles, but going to start after this period🙏🏼🌈
Miscarried in January. Due period in 4 days but I have major pregnancy symptoms. What do we think? I can see a very faint line but don’t want my hopes up. I’ll add filter version in comments. Will test again few days.
4 weeks post miscarriage and LH is going up and down so much. I usually have a gradual incline but this is just chaos.
For those of you that had spotting how long did you spot for before you got the big bleed? I’ve been spotting for a week now but nothing major though I know from a scan I’ve miscarried. Just wondering when the big bleed kicked in for everyone?
I feel really ashamed to even put this on here but it’s 3 am here and I can’t compose myself I cannot stop crying and I feel so very alone. I went for another scan today I’ve had them every two weeks and they told me I’ve had a missed miscarriage. Here is me thinking everything is fine because I’m sick everyday, t...
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