Ultrasounds can make a positive pregnancy test a reality. Discover real stories from real women and explore expert advice on all things pregnancy scans and ultrasounds.
Jumping on the nub/skull theory wagon - Had my 12 weeks scan today. ♥️💙 What do we think? 🥰
I’ve just been for a private early reassurance scan today as I should be 6+3 but they were unable to find the pregnancy, even with an internal scan. I’ve been referred to EPAU and I’ve got an appointment with them tomorrow afternoon which feels like the longest time. I’ve had 1 full term pregnancy 2011 and 1 miscarr...
I’m currently 16 weeks with my first baby, so naturally there’s a lot of appointments I have to attend. My issue is that my place of work has told me that the time I need for these I have to take as AL or unpaid- the only exception is scans. This doesn’t seem to right to me at all, I’ve researched it myself and eve...
So I had a scan at 30 weeks where baby was on 50th centile I then had another scan at 32 weeks where baby had dropped to 7th centile so below the line she’s needed to be on, I had another scan yesterday at 34 weeks and she’s now on 13th centile so just above the line. The doctor then said I’ve got another scan at 36...
My midwife said she will be taking bloods at my next appointment just wondering if anyone knows what this is for?
Hello! I have my 20 week scan on Thursday. Can anyone let me know what to expect at the appointment? I’m under a Manchester Trust if that helps! I’m very nervous xx
Did anyone have a gender scan really early on in their pregnancy and it was wrong? I don’t know why I just have a feeling I’m not having what I was told, which is a wee girl. I just have this feeling it’s a boy. The annoying thing is my hospital don’t tell you the gender it was a private company we went to 😵💫
Has anyone had a scan at exactly 6 weeks and seen a heartbeat, I’ve got a scan at EPU tomorrow due to spotting a few days ago
Hiii! I have just had my 38 week appt with the midwife and she has referred me to a scan as I am measuring on the smaller side and may need to be induced. Has anyone experienced this before? I am not very worried atm but the last scan I had was at 20 weeks so I would love to hear if there are other outcomes I am no...
I had my 12 week scan today any guess girl 🩷 or boy 🩵☺️
Hi guys, 6 weeks here and 1st time mama, im really excited and want to go for a scan.. when I called the private clinic they said you might not hear a heartbeat as its still too soon and that people get upset when they dont hear one and i should save myself from that. Im very nervous, and dont think ill settle down ...
I’m having a scan tomorrow to see my placenta has moved as it was low lying, is there anything else that they do at it/ check for?
20 week scan photos (more in comments) We already have two little boys!
Has anyone had the 20 week scan at the Liverpool women’s and Do they ask you if you want to know the gender or they don’t tell you. Just curious l have a 20 week scan next week and not sure if l need to ask them or they will say no .
Both scans are the same baby, one scan was done privately yesterday and one on the NHS today! I feel like I get boy from one and girl from the other??
Don’t have anyone to look after him otherwise - will they moan
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