Ultrasounds can make a positive pregnancy test a reality. Discover real stories from real women and explore expert advice on all things pregnancy scans and ultrasounds.
Hi everyone, just looking for advice really and to get a bit of a feel for how others would react in this situation. I can't fault my husband tbh. He's helpful, he cooks, he will go shopping, he's a great dad. But I'm really irritated atm. I'm currently 20w pregnant and have a 2 year old. I was in hospital al...
Had a private scan thinking I was 7weeks 5 days. They could see an empty sac with fluid measuring 4-5 weeks. Referred to EPU had another scan which showed the same as private. Took my bloods and then again 48 hours later and my hormones have “significantly risen” I have no bleeding, no cramps and haven’t really ha...
28w today, i went to my NHS scan at 26w2d and baby was weighing big at 2lb14oz and they told me his belly is still on the larger side.. i went to my first private 3D scan and they told me he is weighing 2lb9oz at 27w6d and his belly is weighing only a day ahead… what to believe? the NHS have put the fear of god in m...
I had a private scan a couple days ago, during the scan I’m sure I saw some movement from baby but neither me or the sonographer commented on this at the time, I’d have felt silly questioning it when the pregnancy is only 9 weeks. But, in the report it says “Fetal heartbeat and movement seen” what does that mean? ...
How much did everyone’s baby weigh at their 20 week scan. Mine was as 10ounces is that small?
I’ve got a scan booked for 6 weeks but I’m working it out from my last period so will they still see a heart beat or am I meant to work it out from when I actually conceived? Do they count the weeks from your last period?
So I’ve just been for a private scan I’m currently 33 weeks +4 and they’ve just told me that baby is measuring really small on the 3rd percentile. They said that as soon as I get home that I should contact triage to let them know about the matter. What do I do? Has anyone else had this problem? 🥲
I went for my anatomy scan and the ultrasound tech messaured my baby boy as 2 weeks ahead and said he’s a whole pound more than he should be. She said they could’ve gotten my due date wrong but I was tracking my period so I don’t think that’s the case. Her exact words were “he’s a massive one” and now I’m even more ...
Had our 12 week scan a few days ago. Any guesses?
I’ve been for a growth scan today, and need to be referred to ‘fetal medicine’ Baby is on 74th centile. Her head is in the 5th centile and her body is in the 95th??? That’s a huge difference? I’m now panicking. Has anyone else had anything similar, I’ve got to wait nearly 2 weeks to be seen by the specialist as sh...
Im so so happy! First ultrasound at 6 weeks and 6 days this morning. Baby K is in the right spot. Measuring 6 weeks and 4 days and had a heart rate of 135. I saw the heart beat going so fast and I teared up. Im so happy as this is my rainbow. Im so grateful for this baby!
Has anyone had a 4D scan with an anterior placenta that I can see your photos and gestation please? I’ve had two with my previous pregnancies but I had a posterior placenta on both now I have anterior and not sure when to book in for.. tia x
Had my 20 weeks scan this week and was told I have a low lying placenta (not completely covering cervix, just a small amount over overlap), and that they’d book another scan at 32 weeks to check if it has lifted off my cervix as everything grows. Has anyone been told this at 20 weeks and did you end up having to hav...
I have a scan booked for next week, I’ll be 9w4d. Can you please share your scans and experience with me so I’ll know what to expect? I’ve had a couple scans already & being closely monitored because I’m high risk.. I’ve never got to the 9th week🤭🌈
12 week scan … girl or boy? 🩷💙🩷💙
This was from the 12 week + 5 days scan
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