Ultrasounds can make a positive pregnancy test a reality. Discover real stories from real women and explore expert advice on all things pregnancy scans and ultrasounds.
I had a gender scan which the lady struggled to get between the baby’s legs. She’s seemed to get frustrated and then ended the scan saying she found the gender. I had a gender reveal and this was the photo she’s put in saying a boy. A picture from the side. Surely that doesn’t look like a willy more a bone and a gen...
When did you receive your MAT B1 form? I had my 20-week scan last Friday, and my next appointment with the midwife is on April 14th. I’m just wondering if I will receive it then.
Has anyone been for an early scan at 7 weeks and not heard a heartbeat because it's too early? got one booked tomorrow and am terrified they won't hear a heartbeat as it's too early and am super anxious because of previous miscarriage.
Just had another check at the hospital, amazing I’ve been able to see baby 3 times and all is well. It’s confirmed a baby boy 🤎🤎 Does everyone know the gender? What will you name baby x
Please send prayers for a healthy baby/pregnancy! Getting my first ultrasound today to check on baby and see how far along I am after miscarrying last month. Haven’t announced yet. I’m so nervous about this pregnancy.
So I'm 20+3, and I'm under Liverpool Womens. I've had several appointments sent out for further into my pregnancy, but I haven't had any appointments sent through for my 20-week scan yet? I'm just wondering if anyone else's is delayed? I understand they can never be on time. Do I give it a week longer than call to c...
Hey 👋 where is the radiology dept in the Heath, if I park in the multi storey car park? Got my 20 week scan tomorrow morning and assumed it was in the maternity unit, same as 12 weeks, until I checked the letter 🤔 also, will I have bloods / see anyone, midwife etc as part of my appointment tomorrow ? Thanks!
Hi, I’m curious if people can guess the gender of my old scan from my first to see if people can guess correctly 👀
How long after the 12w scan did you get the screening results letter?
1st scan was at 15 weeks the second one at 12 (comments)
How much did everyone’s baby weigh at their 28 week scan. Mines been booked for 26 weeks think it’s the earliest they can fit me in
I've been having high BP throughout my pregnancy. I get it checked weekly and normally it does come down but more often than not it's high. I went in on Friday and it was high and remained high until they gave me the stat dose of labetalol. I went back on Saturday and the first two readings were high but the third w...
At what point in pregnancy do they do cervical checks or go down there if at all? Want to be prepared 🤣
Has anyone else experienced this? I went for a private gender scan on Saturday and everything was looking as it should and we found out we’re having a lovely little girl. However today I’ve done for my 16week midwife appointment and she couldn’t locate the baby’s heartbeat but reassured me that the placenta was swoo...
How many NHS scans have people been offered? This is my second baby and with my first I had 3 scans (12W, 20W and 34/36W) but this time round have only been offered 2 (12W & 20W) is this the same for everyone else ?
It’s my turn to have the 12 weeks scan. I am so exited and have a lot of anxiety. Have dreamed all night about dead people wanting to take my babies to eat them and I tried all the time to save them. I am absolutely horrified. When do the pregnancy nightmares finish, is crazy. Now I am so afraid about my scan if ev...
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