Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Scans

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Scans.

Babies all born but curious what you think

Will post all pregnancies scans at 12 weeks that a guess 1st picture top 1st pregnancy 12 week 4 days if I remember correctly and bottom 2nd pregnancy


Boy or girl?

12 week 4 day scan - baby is now born but I’m just curious to see how accurate these are lol, I’ll like the right guesses after about 5/6 comments🤍.


Is it weird to ask the rough estimate of a medical procedure? I need to make an MRI appointment but..I’m more concerned about the cost (yes, I have insurance). Because I really don’t need any more high cost medical bills

I went to the doctors office a few weeks ago due to extreme pain in my arm (I had surgery on the same arm 12 years ago). I had an xray done and now they want to do an MRI. I need it because the reoccurring pain is horrible and I need to take whatever steps are needed to ensure full recovery of my pain. But…I know ...



I am pregnant for the first time so I’m sorry if this question sounds a little silly but what appointment was it that you found out the gender of your baby? I’m only six weeks and I have my first six week ultrasound appointment on 6 February I’m just wondering how many more appointments until I can find out the gend...


6 week scan!

Just had a 6 week scan and we could see the heart flickering 🥰 my little girl was with us and now knows about her future brother or sister. Just for reassurance for others, by my period dates I would be 6 +5 by my ovulation I would be 6+2 and on this scan the baby measured 6w exactly. We're all very excited for my…


12 week scan - am I going to piss myself?

1 litre of water?? I’m surely going to piss myself 😂



Went for my 8 week ultrasound today. The embryo was measuring at 6 weeks and there was no heartbeat. The most frustrating thing about this is that at six weeks, I had bleeding and cramping. They sent me for bloodwork, and because the HGC levels were normal for that gestational age, they did not do a follow up test ...


Private scan

Had a scan today and the woman that scanned me made me feel so rushed :( baby was upside down so couldn’t see much very clearly, I wiggled my hips and baby didn’t move so she said I’ll turn scan photos right way round and that was it! We did see the baby move but I’ve never seen a baby upside down on any scans I’ve...


20 weeks on and placenta at back when I had private scan too

20 weeks next week. I haven't felt strong movements yet, but I did go to the midwife to check heartbeat as i was worried, and everything was fine. Got my scan on weds. Felt a few flutters, but nothing much. When did everyone else start to feel movements.


12 week scan

How long did it take for you to have your 12-week scan appointment? Does it matter if you're over 12 weeks? Also, how long after your booking appointment did you receive a letter? Still waiting for mine..



Happy news! Had my scan and baby is growing so well was so relieved to see a heartbeat again. I was 8.5 days, baby measuring 9 weeks and I saw the cord going to the placenta which was amazing! 🌈🩷


12week scan question

I can’t remember from my first. I’m waiting for my first midwife appointment next week (I’ll be 9 and a half weeks). Will they look it in there and then on a calendar with me or do I go home and wait for a letter with the booking? Or can I email the midwife now to ask to book it in?


Unsure gender scan

We went for a private gender scan today. At first the sonographer announced it was a boy, but the more he tried to get a clear picture, the more unsure he got.. they have given us a free gender scan again in 10 days when hopefully it will be clearer, but I went from being sure it was a boy to being unsure 😂 It…


Has anyone else not told work yet?

I’m 3 months into my new job and have been anxious about telling work. I’m waiting to renew my contract on better terms so I’ve been hiding it and didn’t plan to tell boss until after my anatomy scan. Done the scan yesterday but boss latest update is there’s some delay in processing the new contract and I wonder whe...


10 week scan

Is it normal for baby’s head to be so big ?


How soon after 12 week scan did you get a date for 20 week scan?

Im 16 weeks and not received a letter for 20 week scan?


Ectopic pregnancy scan. Please help me

I got told there is a chance I may have ectopic pregnancy. This is my second pregnancy. I'm 7+6 weeks now No history of surgeries, miscarriages or IVF. I carried my first born full term with no complications. My symptoms for a suspected ectopic are Sharp pain on one side of tummy that comes and goes. Mild lower abd...


Too much amniotic fluid

I had an emergency scan booked due to baby measuring huge from midwife, went for the scan and he's big but on the top line not off the scale like she had him, but they said i have too much water and took 3 bottles of blood.. has anyone else had this?? They don't seem bothered at all and just said "no news is good ne...


Private assessment (UK)

Has anyone gone private to get a diagnose for their child ? And has it been declined by the nhs . I’m really thinking of this because of having to wait absolutely ages ??


Measuring behind in early scan

From the dates of my last period I thought I’d be over 9 weeks however I’m a week behind. I’m not sure when I ovulated. Has anyone else had this? I’m really worried


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