Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Scans

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Scans.

Measuring behind in early scan

From the dates of my last period I thought I’d be over 9 weeks however I’m a week behind. I’m not sure when I ovulated. Has anyone else had this? I’m really worried


Baby’s weight

I’m 32 weeks today and wondering how do you guys know how much your baby weighs? I’ve been to my ob multiple times and all they do is measure my belly and give me an estimate it’s really frustrating not knowing how much she’s growing and they say I can’t get a growth scan ultrasound unless it’s an emergency or reall...


Severe hydronephrosis

Has anyone’s baby had severe hydronephrosis and it resolved by itself after birth? If so, how long did it take? Did you have to do anything to help your baby? Were there any long term effects on your baby’s health or kidney function?


12 week scan

I have barely any symptoms and have my 12 week scan tomorrow and I am so anxious something is wrong🥺


Position of baby

Hey FTM here so apologies I’m not sure on this! I keep reading people saying they 28/30 weeks and baby is in a certain position. How do we know, I’m in uk and don’t believe we get another scan after 20 weeks unless referred due to bump measuring big or small. Is this something midwife checks at our appointments, if ...


when to share news?

my husband has two slightly older children and we can’t decide when to tell them about this baby… I am currently 12+1 and we had a scan at 10+6 and was told everything looked good but don’t have our “12 week” scan till 13+6… should we tell them now or wait till our 12 week scan, can’t at all decide🙈


Growth scans

Had my first growth scan today at 31+6, baby showed to be above 97th centile , had a review in clinic afterwards and was made to feel pretty scared about risks of a big baby, had anyone else felt like this ?


Doppler wasn’t picking up

So I had my appointment today and since my Doppler wasn’t picking up my little ones heartbeat I got another ultrasound 🥰 my son was the same way until I was like 15 weeks. I’ve been saying this baby is gonna be a girl the whole time but now im going more towards a boy.


Preappointment worries!

Does anyone else get really nervous before every scan or midwife appointment? I just get so worried that they are going to say something is wrong. I have my private gender scan tomorrow and while I am very excited I'm also super nervous!


Constant Worry

Anyone else just constantly worried 😭 how do you deal with it in between scans



Went for a scan today. I’m 36 weeks 3 days. The fluid around baby is 8.2cm which is .2 over the average for this time in pregnancy. Just wondering if any one else has experienced this?


Breech at 28 weeks

I went for a 28 week growth scan yesterday and on my report it says that baby is breech (no one even mentioned it!). I’m concerned that it could now mean that I’ll be looking at a c section if baby doesn’t turn. Just wondering how many people also had breech babies at this stage but they went on to turn on their o...


First nhs scan. 10wks 4days

First nhs scan, one last week cancelled due to red weather warning. 10wks 4days and another August baby ❤️ looks pretty identical to my first little boys scan at 10wks


Growth scan

I’m 34weeks and 5 days My midwife on Wednesday she said I need to go for a Growth scan because he’s measuring a week and a day ahead 😩 is this okay has anyone else had this and how long does it take for the hospital to contact you to say your booked in for the growth scan thankyou ❤️


first midwife appointment

Had my first midwife appointment today at 10 weeks, but it was with a cover midwife rather than my usual one. She went through all the medical and family history questions but didn’t give me my hospital notes or take any bloods or a urine sample. At the end, she just said I’d receive my 12-week scan appointment in t...


I have a 10am doctors appointment. They ask that you show up 10 minutes early.

So I show up at 9:50 to check in. It’s nearly 11am and I have not been seen. Should


Bump measuring

I’ve just been for my 24 week midwife appt at 24 + 5 and she didn’t measure my bump, is this normal? TIA X


This is driving me insane 👀

12 week scan boy or girl !!!!


Growth scans

When's everyone's growth scan? Mines on Wednesday I can't believe we are at this stage. Nervous yikes 🫠💙


So excited

I get my 4d ultrasound done today. I'm so excited. OMG, I just hope he cooperates, lol he always hides his face, so I'll try to eat some candy, drink some juice, or something 🥰💙🎉


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