Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Scans.
So yesterday we FINALLY went to see our little boy in 4D and after panicking about getting nothing decent due to having an anterior placenta we got some good little pictures of him. That little button nose is to die for 😍 I’m currently 27 + 3
Hello all, I don’t know if I’m just dumb or where this is my first ever baby but how on earth do I read these measurements from my ultra sound and how do I know if it’s all in a good range for gestational age? Also my little man is currently breech and with his feet up by his head aswell and I’m 28 weeks + 3days...
What exactly happens at the anatomy ultrasound appointment? Do they look at my baby with the 3d scans and what are they looking for?
Hi lovelies I have my 20 week scan coming up this week which I am really excited for. I don’t have any concessions so will be paying the full fee (think it’s $260 then you get Medicare rebate of $80-something). Recently I’ve seen a lot of women posting about the same scan saying they couldn’t get all the pictures ...
Hi, This is my 5th pregnancy (I have 1 son) so I’m very anxious but happy. I had 2 blood tests 48 hours apart to measure the hcg levels and I’m very concerned. They have risen by 33% in 48 hours - 52999 to 70738. I was 6 weeks and 6 days and 7 weeks and 1 day when I had the bloods taken. I’ve been told hcg should do...
What do y’all think? NIPT results should be in in a few days but I love to speculate😌
I had my 20 week scan today, my baby was not showing their gender and is facing my spine. When I was looking to see the babies gender I'm sure I saw the scrotum of the baby? I'm not sure if I am right... but when i saw the babies face, they looked exactly like the dad... could I be having a boy?
I went for my midwife appointment today currently 24w6days and after all the normal checks baby’s heart rate was all fine but she said I was measuring a little small so she had booked me in for a growth scan tomorrow has this happened to anyone else ? What was the outcome ? Apart from measuring small the pregnancy h...
Hi! I had my growth scan at 36+6 and baby was in perfect head down, vertex position. Was told highly unlikely he would turn this late into pregnancy. However today at 37+4 he’s breech!! I have a lot of amniotic fluid but not that high to classify as poly yet. Did anyone’s baby turn back in time on their own? I hav...
I feel so scared and guilty. I had an xray on my ankle after going over on it (chipped, but otherwise fine). They didn't put a lead shield on me, and I explicitly told them I was pregnant. I was in tears and the nurse after said that baby will be fine low levels of radiation, far away from baby. But half the info o...
Hey, anyone who has a uterine prolapse or any other prolapse are you able to see it when you look with a mirror? If so, do you know what stage you are and how do you know? I’ve recently been diagnosed with a uterine prolapse but my gp couldn’t confirm the stage and told me to wait for my gynaecology referral. I ...
Had our 12 week scan (12+4). Been researching all sorts of theories so interested to know your thoughts on gender! 🤍
Measuring 13w 1d… any gender guesses? 👀🩷💙
Hello everyone, Can I take my toddler to my first scan appointment, it says no children allowed . He is 18 months old and his dad also wants to be there to listen to baby heart rate …. Do you know if it is possible for them to allow them
Hiya! Just wanted to reassure anyone who’s been worried about their bump measurements, because I know it can really freak you out! My last couple measurements at my midwife appointments have been off the chart massive, 98/99 percentile massive at 31 & 34 weeks. Today I had my urgent growth scan and my baby is measur...
I went into the maternity triage today for reduced movement, baby met all of the criteria for the monitoring in 40 minutes which was great. The only thing is they measured me before I left and said I was measuring 25cm which I know is 25 weeks. I’m 28 weeks today, they’re sending me for a growth scan within the next...
Not the best scan, feel like babies head looks a bit strange but just for fun... Boy or girl?
We went for our 12 week scan today! I wanted to do the nub theory before we go for our gender scan at 16 weeks. Any guesses? 🩷 or 💙
12 week scan. Measuring 13 w 1 d
12 week scan complete! We aren’t finding out the gender but having fun speculating. Any thoughts 🩷🩵