Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Scans

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Scans.

Growth scans & weight estimation

Just wondering out of interest if anyone had a growth scan around 32 weeks what was babies estimated weight? I had one yesterday at 31+6, was told baby is overall like 30th percentile but estimated weight is 3lb 15oz (which google says is bang on for 32 weeks so not sure how that makes baby 30th percentile 😂 but…


What is this appointment?

I’m 11 weeks pregnant, and I’ve had a text with an ‘obstetrics appointment’ at the hospital for when I’ll be 14 weeks pregnant. No further info. I am midwife and consultant led due to twins so my only guess is a consultants appointment? But I’ve had no indication as to when or how often I’d be seeing a consultant. I...


Mum & babys 6-8 week check

Been ringing my doctors for weeks about baby’s 6-8 week check (hes 16 weeks today) and after ringing this morning asking to speak with the practice manager I finally got a phone call with an appointment for Monday!! Just wondering what happens during this for the both of us? I have an idea but would love to go in ...


What do we reckon - 12 week scan today! Boy or girl? ❤️💙

Let me know what you think boy or girl?



Thank you god 🙌🏻 🥹 We got to see the heart beat today It’s been really hard with the morning sickness but this made me so happy How’s everyone else doing!?


Telling you class

Hi all, how/when did you tell your class about your pregnancy? I’m a Primary teacher in Year 5, I’ve had my 20 week scan and am starting to show, especially in some outfits. My slt know as well as my the staff team I work with. I’ll also be informing them that I won’t be going on the residential trip.


Extra scans for IVF pregnancy?

Did you get extra scans after the 20 week scan for IVF pregnancy, if you didn't have any other complications or risks?


Growth scans - How big was your baby estimated at 30 weeks?

Hi guys, I have my 30 week growth scan in just over a week and i’m wondering how much everyone’s babies weighed at this point? and how was birth?


Bump of Preston

Has anyone been to Bump of Preston for their early scan? If so, would you recommend?


No heartbeat 😞

I got an ultrasound done yesterday at a free pregnancy clinic.. they could not find a heartbeat. I have a blood draw this morning to check my HCG levels.. the ultrasound tech told there machines not high tech like Dr office and hospitals (I'm not sure about that) so maybe the could maybe something she missing. I was...


A bit worried after my early scan 😩

Hello mommies, I’ve calculated since my last period (22nd of December) and I’m pretty sure my pregnancy is now at 8 weeks but yesterday I had my early scan and the doctor estimated it at 5 weeks + 1. I’m really confused as it’s a pretty big gap and wondering if the baby is developing normally ? ❤️


Anyone else got there 20 week scan today

Soo excited to see our little lady again today


Struggling to get through to N&N?

Trying to rebook a 12 week scan so my husband can come, I’ve called no joke 20 times each day for this week, all different times and cannot get through to anyone! Does anyone know if there’s another way to contact?


Infrequent midwife appointments

Is anyone else seeing others on here talking about check ups and appointments that they haven’t had? I know I’m low risk but I’m 25 weeks and still haven’t been told any measurements or had bump measured etc. I had my scan at 20 weeks where I was told everything was normal (no actual measurements) and I don’t have a...


Ultrasound Photos

How is everyone storing/maintaining their ultrasound photos? I’ve seen on TikTok that some people are using heatless self laminating pockets then using a ring clip to keep them together but has anyone got other suggestions? I’m 32 weeks and had my last scan yesterday and had three scans before this so just have qu...



I got a positive pregnancy test. I’m about 5 weeks. I called the doctor and they set me up for an ultrasound and follow up on March 14th which puts me at 8 weeks? I’m kind of confused as I thought that they did labs to check hcg? I’m high risk and this is my first pregnancy so I’m not sure what’s right and not right...



Our baby boy measured in 51st percentile at our 20w scan, and had my bump measured at 28w and measuring in 97th percentile. I know scans and tape measurement’s aren’t compared. Just wondered if anyone else had had such a difference?


Dating-Measuring moan

Hey ladies, I had a private 4D scan today which for the most part was lovely although little girl kept shoving her face into my placenta 😂 the sonographer said her femur length is on the 5.8% percentile (head on 16th, AC on 40th) and that they’ll need to keep an eye on that but again I find myself frustrated at…


Pregnancy Anxiety

Girls how do you shake the feeling before every scan or appointment that somethings going to be wrong?? First scan was worried they were going to tell me something was wrong. Heartbeat appointment was worried they wouldn't find it. 20 week scan is on Monday and I'm absolutely terrified of finding out something isn...


Hey was wondering if anyone has been referred for a growth scan, had midwife’s Monday and she said I should hear back and be booked in within the next 3 days but still haven’t heard anything. Do they send a letter out or do they ring?

Growth scan.


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