Pregnancy Symptoms

From cravings to cramps, share your symptoms with the other moms-to-be on Peanut and discover expert advice across all things pregnancy.

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Period pain 37+4w

Hi everyone! I’ve had some period like pain today for the first time. Had it 3 times throughout the day but it can last for like an hour plus. My stomach goes hard at the same time. Has anyone else had this?? No signs of labour at all by the way, baby is engaged though. Just wondering what this is..


Awful sleep

I know there are so many posts about sleep at the moment, but I just don't know where I'm going so wrong. My LG has slept (since bed time) for 30mins, then 10 mins and now 40 mins...... Just stay asleep. This is not uncommon and have been having hourly wakes through the night for nearly 3 months now 😴😴😴😴😴


Heavy bleed

Anyone had a heavy bleed a few weeks postpartum? Heavier than the normal blood loss? I had a massive clot and then now the bleeding is a lot heavier. Been up triage tonight and they aren’t too concerned but have arranged an ultrasound to look for retained products. The blood is bright red now and filling the pad lik...


Has intercourse ever made you bleed or start your period ?

“No. See a doctor” is an option so y’all don’t have to say it in the comments 🤪


Sore belly?

I'm 25 weeks and just been very sore around the belly. I feel it most when I sit down or get up and sometimes when I walk. Just wondering if it's round ligament pain or my body feeling battered from all the kicking? It's definitely not cramps or anything like that. It almost feels like soreness after an intense day ...


Painful letdown

Bro, my letdown hurts. Every time. It’s a painful ache that I thought would’ve gone away by now. Anyone else?


Cramps 38+5

Keep waking up with back/lower tummy cramps, and I feel like I’m going to 💩 myself! Run to the loo and then nothing🤷🏼‍♀️😂 anyone else, or just me?


Almost 2 months old

My baby is drooling a lot and fussy during the day.. what can this mean?? Is this happening to anyone else?



Tell me your cravings you have! My cravings are anything crunchy the new thing I’ve found I am obsessing over is hula hoops!! Don’t care the flavour I need the crunch !😂😂


Can your baby go from laying on their back to sitting..

I'm not talking rolling to belly then crawl position then sitting.. I'm talking from laying on their back to sitting just a little worried...


Extra strength Tylenol

15 weeks, and 2 days pregnant. Siatic hurts bad from cleaning..: BAD! can I take one extra strength Tylenol?


Morning sickness

Anyone experiencing extreme nausea throughout the day. Been calling out of work not able to do anything barely can lift my head up sometimes. Any suggestions?


Exercise/looking after yourself

How are people managing it?! I used to exercise loads but since having 2 kids it just seems impossible, I come last and when everything else is done and the kids are down after a hectic day I am done in and all I want to do is flump onto the sofa! But I want to exercise and to look after myself. It's just so hard wh...


What very early pregnancy symptoms did you have?

Trying VERY hard not to symptom spot but I’m experiencing not normal things in my body right now. Ovulated sometime early/middle of last week, not exactly sure when. It seems like early pregnancy really varies for everyone, so I’m just looking to hear from those of you that have been through very early pregnancy, wh...


Vomiting at 24 weeks

I was often nauseous until 20 weeks but never vomited, since I hit 20-21 weeks, been vomiting every few days. Any one else experienced the same thing?


Baby movements 30.5 weeks

Anyone feel like their baby has really Active days?!

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