Pregnancy Symptoms

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Colostrum harvesting makes me feel a bit queasy :S

I’ve noticed when I’m manually trying to harvest my colostrum I start feeling a bit sweaty and queasy. Has anyone else felt anything similar?



Hi I’m getting worried. My sons 5 months 2 weeks and he’s never rolled. Not even once. Is this okay or is he behind because it’s really upsetting me I feel like I’ve definitely done something wrong


Bleeding after scan

I had my 12 week scan today and have just woken with wet pjs(no blood) and blood in the toilet/ when I wipe. Is this normal?


6 year old leaning on bump

Guys! My 6 year old just put her hand on my tummy and kind of pressed down on it, i jumped and had a word with her about this, it didn't hurt at the time but it's the side that the midwife said baby was lying earlier today. I'm 31 weeks and 6 days.


Eating meals

I just found out I was pregnant on Monday , my doctor guessed I am about 10 weeks pregnant (waiting on my bloodwork to come back for a more accurate timeline) and now I’ve been having all the nausea and ALL DAY sickness lol . I just want to eat but I’m so scared I’ll eat the wrong thing to trigger me throwing up. An...



Hello, I've just found out I'm pregnant and I'm about 5 weeks 3 days. I keep getting some cramping. I'm just wondering if that's normal? It is my 2nd pregnancy, but I don't remember this with my other lo.



I’m almost 25w and the last few days feel like my movements have reduced a bit, not feeling him move as much and not as hard either. I haven’t called up the triage because I know they can’t do anything until however many weeks I think it’s either 26 or 28 can’t remember. I’m sure he’s just having quiet days as I’m s...



So I’m a little confused; am due for my period tomorrow but I got it on Monday with some cramping and severe headache, lower back pain etc but it is so light like a pink red colour and that’s so different for me as I usually clot heaps and go through so many tampons but this time very light, I just did a test and it...


Exhausted by night time

Hey guys. Is it just me or is anyone else absolutely exhausted by the time it gets to evening? Once my son's in bed (7ish) I'm getting in bed myself 😂


Anyone else??

Does anyone else have an extremely fussy 4mo old?!! Gosh I feel like I’m at my wits end every day, I’ve been crying so much lately because it just seems like she’s always unhappy 😞 she goes to the chiropractor, she’s EBF and I try to keep a good nap/bedtime routine but during her wake windows I feel like I’m…


Help - Acid Reflux

Help!! I am at week 38 and can’t eat anything except yogurt and some fruits. Anything else I have tried comes right back up/gives my acid reflux for hours. Can’t sleep because my acid reflux keeps waking me up. Drinking milk seems to help a bit but tums don’t do anything. Sleeping with multiple pillows is so uncomfo...


Stitch like pain

Has anybody experienced a stitch like pain in there right side? I’ve had it 3 times it seems to go away by itself but it’s so uncomfortable I can’t bend in certain ways or it really hurts… I have twins so don’t know if it makes a difference? Seems like wind or something I’m unsure but it’s super uncomfortable 🫣


Baby’s kicks

Is anyone’s baby still kicking quite low down. I thought they would’ve moved up by now I’m 24 weeks


Hello Moms and intending moms,

I’m trying to conceive because I have endometriosis and fibroids. I had unprotected sex on the night of 1st of march. I used morning after pill on 2nd of march in the morning. That same night I saw fertile cervical mucus. Here is my question. Meanwhile I had sex on my peak day 1) is morning after pill not meant to d...


almost 7 months pp

does anyone else still get random pains around where incision is? i’m 7 mo pp & the pains more like awful cramps. :/ only issue is nothing works


Gas cramps

Anyone else getting these? I’ll get a really weird crampy feeling almost period like, then a minute later I pass gas. It’s so annoying!! Never had this with my first born 😩

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