Pregnancy Symptoms

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Has anyone started to show yet. This is baby no 4 and this bloating is making me definitely look like there's a bump. Almost 10 weeks.


Did anyone else’s movements change around 34 weeks?

Not necessarily reduced but just changed?


Feeling super low movement

I’m 34 weeks and 3 days and have been feeling movement super low in my pubic area like I’m talking looooowwwww lol. I feel movement upper belly too but man I just don’t know if she’s breeched or head down what kind of movements I’m feeling. It’s my first baby so this is all new to me! Could this be because she’s dro...


Pain in lower stomach

Hiya I’m 32 weeks and last night I had really bad cramps in my lower stomach it woke me up it was that bad I only had it the once dose anyone know what this could have been it only lasted a minute or so but I had to stretch to stop the pain



I'm 32 weeks and the heartburn is getting unreal! It is happening even after I have a drink let alone a meal. I've been taking antiacids, drinking ginger tea, doing some yoga specifically to ease heartburn but nothing is getting rid of it. I don't think I'm drinking enough because I know when I do I'll be in pain. ...


Ran out of vapour plug ins

Any advice on what I can put in my LOs room over night for a blocked nose? I usually use the vapour plug ins which work but I’ve ran out :( I’ve put some baby Vicks on their chest but doesn’t seem to be helping much



Hii i’m 3 months pp and breastfeed sometimes do the odd pump for a little bottle if i leave her w my mum for 2hrs but she never normally needs or has it she’ll feed when i pick her up, but yesterday i notice a bit of dark blood in my underwear i put on pad on and had thick pink blood (looked abit like discharge but ...


Feel really emotional

Im probably over reacting but I’ve been really struggling with nausea for the past 3 weeks to the point I’ve barely eaten and I’ve actually lost weight Only this week I have started to feel a bit less nauseous so while at Costco earlier this week i got a hot dog and a chicken bake for me to eat later on in the day a...


Possible Diagnosis?

Posting anonymous because some of this is a little TMI/embarrassing, but I need answers. I’m 5 months Postpartum. I had the Copper IUD put in at 6 weeks and removed a few days ago because I feel it may have been the culprit for some of my issues. Ive been having postpartum anxiety (there are some things happeni...



Anyone feel like their baby was super active week 24/25 and then it got less again? X


Formula change help!

I’m at my wits end with reflux. My girl has screamed all evening - I can literaly see the acid going up her throat and causing her pain. It’s silent too so only tiny bit of spit up every now and again. She’s just had a bottle and really struggled to take it. I need to try something - iv been holding off for 8 weeks ...


Back pain

I am only 21 weeks and my back pain is barely tolerable when I’ve been sitting or lying on my back. I asked my doc and she just said ‘that’s not normal’ but didn’t elaborate. Anyone else the same? Any tips except not sit and only lie on my side? (Even in bed when turning from one side to the other and going via the ...


Chemical pregnancy question

Sorry to ask but when you had a chemical, was the spotting pretty much every time you wiped, was it sporadic or did it suddenly increase intensity? First thing this morning I had faint pink trickle of blood and that’s been it for the rest of day. I’m 4wks+3 and nervous


gas/bowel pain

currently in pain with either needing to pass gas or have a poop and I LITERALLY CANNOT DO EITHER. i have eaten fruit and veg and oh my god it’s so painful. does anyone know what can help this?


Stomach ulcers with pregnancy :(

Hello moms, anyone has experienced stomach ulcers while pregnant? Like I was doing all good in the first 6 months of pregnancy, but at 25-26 weeks, I believe I had the worst flare-up in my whole life. Trying to manage symptoms with meds but as every new week approaches, I feel worse, Does anyone have an answer for ...


Nauseous and hungry

Anyone else feeling super nauseous when hungry but absolutely starving an hour after food. I keep having to eat and I'm putting on weight!

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