Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Symptoms

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Symptoms.

Dreading going back to work 😭

I've been very lucky to have 2 weeks off for Christmas, and although I only have 2 weeks left at work (maternity starts 17th) I'm absolutely dreading it, it's making me cry 😭 I know I need the money so have to but I work in a nursery baby room where it's either sitting on the floor or standing so I know I'm going…



i hate saying this outloud but am i the only one who doesn’t like the kicking or the wiggling around it feels so uncomfy and i just rlly don’t like it and feel like ive not met anyone else who doesn’t like it😂



Does anyone else just want baby out my baby is head down and he bum presses right against my tummy and boy does it hurt 🤢 it makes me feel so sick x


blood clotting after birth

Hey everyone I gave birth to my beautiful baby boy on the 1st of January, had to have an episiotomy and forcep delivery in the end which I am obviously now in recovery from… today I went to the bathroom and there was quite a big blood clot on my pad, about 4 inches big I would say. Is this normal or should I get in ...


Period cramping

Since around 1pm yesterday I’ve been having mild-strong period cramps but only every hour/ hour and a half. I have been having 1/2 episodes of braxton hicks a day for a few weeks but nothing like this. Any idea what this could be.


Baby Bump

Just hit the 20 week mark and have my scan in a couple days, but leading up to now I feel like my bump keeps getting smaller!! Does anyone else have this feeling every now and again?


37 weeks tiredness has hit!!

I'm just over 37 weeks and feel like I've been hit by a truck similar to the 1st trimester this is my 3rd baby I don't even remember feeling like this with the other 2 but I probably did but that was a long time ago. Is anyone else feeling the same and if so how are you managing the house and kids etc I feel so lazy...



I’m trying not to get in my head too much over this. Since Thursday night I’ve had some cramping in my stomach. It’s not been unbearable but it is uncomfortable. I’ve had no bleeding and have been struggling to go to the toilet. Is it something to be concerned? I’m 8+5, they’ve got me in for a scan tomorrow as I hav...


Waking lots at night!

Hey - I’m 13 weeks pregnant and I am waking up to pee about 5-6 times a night! It’s driving me mad. Is anyone else experiencing this? I don’t drink anything right before bed..



So the past 2 days I’ve had a bruised like feeling in my vagina, I’m 33 weeks first baby just wondering if this is normal?


Sore V,⚡

In 36+4 and have experienced on and off vaginal soreness the past few weeks, but it feels like I've been punched down there sometimes. It's gotten worse as baby has dropped. Has anyone else had this feeling and on and off swelling? I don't have any infections. Also real increase in lightning crotch lately, and I d...


10 weeks today and my Severe sickness just stopped overnight?

Hey all im wondering if its normal for my sickness to just vanish when 1-2 days ago it was severe. Or am i jinxing it?😂 starting to worry as-well as i have had cramping (no blood or discharge) for a week but epu couldn't scan me because they were busy but everything else was normal. I have a private scan in 2 days…



For the last 4 days I’ve been getting headaches over the left side of my forehead - has anyone had this before? Paracetamol is doing nothing. I’m 27 nearly 28 weeks x



18 weeks today with my first, my placenta is on the back but I’ve not felt any movements yet, everyone says to look out for fluttering but what would that feel like 😅


Vomiting at 6 months preg

I’m seeing my midwife tomorrow for an antinatal appointment which I why I haven’t contacted the mama line etc Last week on and off I’ve had the worst sickness , mostly when I get heart burn but sometimes there no warning it just happens that I’m being sick. The last few days including today I have no heartburn but...


Back ache and period like pain

Just started having this it’s not horrendous but definitely noticeable. What should I do


Baby dropped???

Im 28 weeks and the past few days I’ve felt the baby super, super low—like an inch away from the outside. My bump also looks different, did he already drop? Should I be worried since im so early in the third tri or can he still move outta that low position?



Is anyone else feeling overwhelmed by things? I can barely look at my phone, TV, and I went to a cafe yesterday and felt completely overwhelmed by all the people. I'm not sure if this is a pregnancy symptom but I've never really felt overwhelmed to this extent. Interested to know if anyone else feeling similarly?



I’m 7+4 and my nausea and sickness is getting out of control. Physically I cannot move during the day otherwise I will throw up absolutely anything and everything. Regardless of if I’ve eaten or not, I will puke. I’ve got my booking appointment on this Thursday coming. Will my midwife be able to prescribe me anti si...



Did anyone else start suffering very early on with sickness? I’m currently 4 weeks pregnant and the nausea is through the roof.. I was very sick throughout my pregnancy with my little boy but I don’t think it started this early on. Looking for any advice/tips on how to help with this awful sickness and also how ...


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