Your babe is not so little anymore! From potty training to teething, we’ve got you. Explore expert advice and real stories from real mamas on Peanut.
Hi guys! My son is 3 months old and I’m 99% sure he is teething. He is absolutely inconsolable. I’ve been using orajel for babies and Camila drops but I hate relying on that stuff and now it’s to the point I don’t even think it is making a difference. He hates teethers and will not calm down unless I’m walking aroun...
Has anyone found anything that actually helps with teething? My little boy got all his incisors pretty close together and seems to struggle with teething pain for a long time before they actually break and now it’s started again for molars and he is so grumpy all the time! From wake up to bed and disturbed through t...
Has anyone ever received a ticket from Texas Highway Patrol for pulling over in standstill traffic to change a poopy diaper (there was no where to go except the grass, no exits for miles, and stuck in standstill traffic)? I know the ticket will get thrown out because we did nothing wrong, she just assumed the worst...
FTM here. How do you know if they're teething or just fussy and tired? I think my little guy is teething. He had one poked through and one I can feel below the surface. His sleep patterns are off and he's fussier than usual. I just don't know what to give him because I don't wanna overload him with medication if he'...
Is anyone else still struggling? She’s definitely ready but just refusing to go on the toilet. She’s got a little toilet downstairs and a seat for our upstairs toilet. She will sometimes sit on them. She’s not been wearing a nappy in the house since Thursday and she’s not even attempting to try and wee on the toilet...
I am struggling on how to start potty training. Everything I see says to do stickers or candy like m&ms. She can’t do stickers yet because she will eat them, and she can’t have m&ms and most candy because she is allergic to milk protein (different from lactose). Does anyone have any ideas?
My little has gotten cold symptoms and low grade fevers every other week followed by a new molar popping through. Not sure if it’s related or if he’s literally getting sick every single time? He’s honestly only ever been sick a handful of times so I think it’s odd it’s been so back to back!
My child has developed this rash all over her body. She hasn’t been her self the last two days with two molars coming in so we have been giving her calpol, could this be related to teeth ? It’s more red that it is in the pic.
How do you keep it attached to your toilet? It’s just not sticky enough but we’re renting so I don’t want to super glue it. Strong double sided tape suggestions welcome.
Does anyone know how to open this door?? Do I call the police. It’s 9pm idk if a handyman will come. There’s literally no screws that I can unlock and there’s nothing in the side of the door.
I began potty training my 2 yo the day after his second birthday. He’s 2 years and 2 months now. It’s been about a month since his last accident and he just recently began pooping in the potty also. When is a good time to begin night training him? And how the heck do you night train? He wakes up in the morning and ...
Anyone have tips on potty training directly after birth? I’m 26w and wanting to learn as much as possible before I give birth. I’ve heard using cloth diapers and learning their cues/ times of day they go, anything else?
Moms, I need help. My son is not circumcised. He will be 1 on the 21st and at our last visit, the Doctor said there was no need to circumcise him unless he was starting to have problems with peeing . I was completely fine with it. I’m indifferent about circumcision and I won’t put my baby through unnecessary pain. H...
Everywhere hurts but now my jaw hurts too? 🤣
Any other boy moms that their son’s potty trained with poop before pee?? My 2.5 year old finally made some progress and poops in potty, willingly goes but for pee he refuses. How long did it take for yours to start peeing in potty after successful poop potty’s? TIA
At what age do we start teaching our kiddos to potty train and any tips
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