Community Posts, Tips & Support on Child Development

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Child Development.

Explosive poop & nappy leaking

My daughter decides to do a poop everytime she’s in the car seat. Most of the time it’s explosive and comes out the sides/or front and back. I’m changing her outfit twice a day and it’s really stressing me😩 I’ve tried sizing down. Tried Aldi nappies, boots, Tesco and now using Pampers premium but none of them are…



Little girl is 9.5 months, I think we’re teething hard😩 but still no teeth😂🤦🏻‍♀️, my question is, can teething cause snotty/blocked nose?


For those that have had root canals, did you have problems with that tooth after?

I have to get a root canal today and keep reading about pain and sensitivity that people have experienced afterwards that doesn’t go away. Also how is the recovery?



Hi Do we have to pay for babies first NHS dental appointment ? Thanks


Potty Training

What is the good age to potty train?


Potty Training before 1

Mamas who potty trained their babies before the age of 1. How did you do it? How long it took them? Are you still having accidents especially at night?


Potty Training

Has anyone started potty training their lo and how is it going ? Any tips for potty training a little boy?


Potty training 2.5 year old boy

My son refuses to Sit on the potty he doesn't answer when I tell him to sit. When I try to put him on it he completely fights me off and runs away. He follows me to the bathroom and watches me. He knows how to flush the toilet and then wash hands but will not sit on the potty or toilet sit for anything.I don't thin...


9 month old crying all the time!

The last 2 days my baby has been so miserable. Crying alot and doesn’t want to do anything. Goes from 0-100 in seconds! I don’t know whats wrong? It could be teething but not sure. Shes just crying constantly and i don’t know what to do.


It’s not a UTI, so what’s wrong?

So my 5yo daughter has been going to the bathroom every 30-45 mins but no pee flow comes out each time. I’ve taken her twice to doctor and UTI wasn’t the issue which confused me even more. Idk what to do. Anyone have advice or been thru this before?


Teething gels that actually work???

My baby is in a lot of pain because of teething. He’s so upset most of the day and yesterday was the first time where teething pain actually affected his sleep, he could not sleep until about 4 am after I gave him some Tylenol. He pulls on his ear a lot and gnaws aggressively at whatever comes his way. I’ve been try...


TMI -wiping

Sorry this is gross but any advice on how to encourage your LO to wipe after a poop? My son has been potty trained for quite a while but will not even attempt to wipe after a poo and when I mentioned casually to him that he needs to start learning to wipe himself before he goes to school because the teacher won't do...


Teething gel and granules using longer than 7 days

Anyone using teething gels and granules for longer than 7 days? Little one is none stop teething! We started with Calpol for ages every night and came across the gel and granules. He will bite and chew on anything other than actual teething toys so I don't think they're helping.



My 2 month old keeps putting his finger in his mouth, what could this mean? 🤔


Anyone potty training right now??

It’s been 8 days since we started and my girl is doing great with pee but having some serious fear of release with number ✌️ It’s physically and emotionally taxing. Anyone else dealing with an anxious pooper?


Baby second shoes

My wee man has just started walking independently in the past few days. Can he still wear these pre-walkers or do I need to get him different shoes? What would you recommend…


Touching pee

I’m potty training my son and every time he pees, he feels he has to touch the pee coming out🤢 how do I get him to stop ??


What to wear in bed when potty trained....

Might be an odd question, but my little one is pretty much dry through the night now and we are going to ditch the nappies altogether. What should she wear instead under her pajamas? Knickers? Or nothing?! I don't know 🤣


Potty training

We’ve cracked the potty training!! 🥳


Has anyone tried the method of normal underwear and a pull up on top when potty training?

The thought process behind it is that they will still feel the wetness of having an accident because the wee will be on the wet underwear against their skin, without the mess that comes along with having an accident. If you have tried this, would you recommend it? Any advice for potty training please do share! My t...


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