Whether you’re trying to conceive, exploring fertility treatments, adoption, surrogacy, or more, Peanut is here to share real stories from real women and expert advice whatever your journey to motherhood.
Trying to reassure myself that it’s normal not to feel symptoms yet and that it’s actually real lol
is this a positive pregnancy result cause I am only 1 month postpartum with my first x 😭
Is this positive ovulation test? CD 24 and I have a lot of discharge + it’s stretchy and clear. I had spotting CD 14 so I thought that’s when I ovulated. First cycle postpartum
Does anyone see the second line? Is that a positive? I took a test around 2am. I thought I seen a shadow of some sort on that one but I wasn’t sure. I took this one around 4:30am cause my nerves were playing games. Could I possibly be pregnant?
I have taken 2 home tests that have come up positive after a condom break. Both times I got blood work that says negative... is it too soon for the blood, but why is my pee picking it up and not my blood?? Condom broke 2 weeks ago🫣🫣
Is your LO talking much yet? I’m concerned about my guys progress
34 weeks pregnant and feeling like baby may come early.. I would really like to put some boundaries in place for when baby is born such as i only want my partner in the hospital and i would like atleast a week untill visitors come to see baby.. maybe even longer depending on how i feel. my partner has no issue wit...
Looking for others who have experienced similar experience or just insight. This is my second time going through IVF. I have a 20 month old son from our first time but my beta results this time round seem to be nothing like my first. We had an our transfer December 5 transferring a 6AA embryo and our first beta draw...
This ain’t my test, she’s due on in two days what do u think?
Hey! I’m 11dpo today and I’m due on, on Tuesday 24th of December. I’ve had negative test today but for the passed 3 days my LH has been positive! which I’ve read up on and apparently picks up HCG but just wondering if this is the case then why my pregnancy tests aren’t picking it up.
How often to you bd in ovulation period! We have been trying awhile and only managed once this month 😩
Anyone hate being the default parent sometime? 😓
Hello all, any tips of how to make the blood thinning injections hurt less when injecting yourself?
Finally after 23 months of TTC!!! Started Letrozole last cycle so I think that did it! I also just got approval for IUI too😅🥰
Couldn't check until 20 minutes. I've had evap before on here but they normally thin. What do people think?
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