same. Also she only wants to do dangerous things, such as climbing up on things without support, jumping out of her high chair etc. Do you have any advice , or did you get any advice what to do?
Mines the same, for nappy changes I now sing or play “the happy song” on my phone and it calms him down enough to get a nappy done 😂 I found with tantrums I try and distract him with something, give him a snack or water, take him outside for cool air or let him ride it out while I lay next to him so he knows I’m with him when he’s ready to calm down. Hope this helps 💖
thank you❤️
Yes! Definitely. Could she be ready to drop the second nap? For nappy changes we put the TV on and it works to distract him
Yes, we are dropping the second nap, but she gets tired by 11, she sleeps about 1.5 hours, and she is tired by 6pm. So she wakes up at 6am. We trying to push her nap time a bit day by day, but she gets really moody.
Ahh I see. I give my baby 6hour wake windows so he goes down at 12/12:30 and bed at 7-7:30. He definitely gets tired before then but this works so much better for him
Yeah my little girl was 1 on 3rd Jan and she’s been having tantrums for a while. She flips herself backwards, kicking her legs and gentler goes mad.. every nappy change or if i stop her doing something she wants to do.. or even getting her in her pram. 😩