Looking for baby name inspo? We’ve got you. Explore our lists of baby names and chat to other mamas to be on Peanut.
People are saying it's a bad idea but do I add another middle name in between? I'm stuck haha
These are what I have so far
How would you pronounce the name Adelie? I read it as Add-uh-lee or Add-eh-Lee, but I wonder if people would pronounce it uh-dell-ee?
Trying to find a Ro name as a tribute to multiple family members with names starting with Ro. If you have any other ideas I’d love to hear them!
We really like the name Wren for our 2nd daughter who will be born in a few months, she will be sister to Willow 💫 just wondering if anyone else has ideas until we feel 100% set or even just to have a back up option ! (Totally coincidental they both begin with W)
Im not sure i can fully put it into words but we want something, *very femine *uncommon/rarely used *whimsical/1920's/floral/fairy vibe *no female versions of male names e.g henrietta, harriett *longer names/3 syllable+ names *first and middle combos if u can please Thanks for any suggestions! Hopefully someone ca...
I am due on Sunday and we still don't have a name. We need a boy and girl name that goes nicely with sister Nellie.
What did you all name your boys! My 8 week old is called Noah🩵
If your child has a unique name what is it my baby girls name is Nailea (nye-laya)! Interested in what other mamas are naming their kids. In this generation there are so many unique names I love itt‼️
Ive kept my surname when completed our civil marriage outside the UK and now my little girl has my partners surname. When travelling- do i need a note/certificate? If yes, what pls?
I'm getting my son registered tomorrow but my fiancée wants to give him his last name where as i want to give him a double barrel. He says its because we are supposed to be getting married so we will all have the same last name anyway and stuff about our son needs to carry his family's last name but I honestly dont ...
I’m struggling to find a nice unique middle name for my baby girl. Any suggestions would be appreciated 💖💖
daughter is 4 weeks old now and I’m losing my mind because my boyfriend and I cannot agree on a name. I strongly dislike the names he is leaning to and he mine. We agreed to a name when she was 2 weeks old but then just the other day he decided he doesn’t want it and that it doesn’t sound nice. It’s a name that I ...
What are some good baby boy names I have a Winston and a Solomon and I'm stuck what would go with those names
Soooo stuck on boy names!
Im due in 11 weeks and finding it so hard to choose a name. I just dont love anything, my partner either. Ive a daughter Tia, son Kian and another daughter Myla
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