December 2024 Babies 🇨🇦

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M in Early pregnancy symptoms

28 week back pain

28 weeks with my second and having a lot of back and hip pain. Anyone struggling with this? I didn't experience this during my last pregnancy.

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S in Pregnancy scans

Unknown Ultrasound Photo

This was printed at my last ultrasound (25 weeks) with no explanation She later asked if I knew the gender and I said we weren't planning to find out, but this had already been printed. Any idea what it is?

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B in Pregnancy scans

Gender guesses

Any guesses? This was 2 weeks ago at my anatomy scan. We find out at gender reveal Sunday! 🩷

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B in Pregnancy Week by Week: Second Trimester

Gallbladder removal during 2nd trimester

Hey mommas! Has anyone had their gallbladder removed during pregnancy? I was told I’ve been diagnosed with acute cholestytitus(inflammation of the gallbladder) and have been rushed to ER 3x in 2 weeks from attacks or contractions. The pain is UNBEARABLE. they want to wait until after delivery to eliminate the small...

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K in Baby clothes

Pregnancy Hobbies

Has anyone else picked up a new hobby during your pregnancy? For me it was crocheting 😆, my nana taught me how as a kid, but I haven't done it in like 16 years, but I've been resting a lot from just being so tired and decided to pick it up again and now I'm determined to make my baby boy a blanket! 🥰

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