A in Baby movement
I started feeling my baby girl move a week or so ago but haven't really felt her much the past few days. Is it normal to feel them differently as time goes on? Or should I be worried?
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Hello 2025 mommies
A in Baby movement
I started feeling my baby girl move a week or so ago but haven't really felt her much the past few days. Is it normal to feel them differently as time goes on? Or should I be worried?
Incognito in Baby gender
What do you think the gender is? The lady couldn't get a good scan of the bottom area!
Incognito in Early pregnancy symptoms
Anyone else experiencing severe back pain ?
E in Morning sickness
So sick of being sick and feeling sick !! I’ve been on cyclizine hydrochloride since week 9, I’m 15 weeks today. Is anyone else still on anti sickness tablets / still feeling and being sick every day? 😓
Incognito in Early pregnancy symptoms
This is my second pregnancy and I’m 15 weeks, I woke up in the middle of the night to Braxton Hicks!! They were on and off for about 20~ minutes. I don’t remember getting those with my first pregnancy until well into the third trimester. Is this normal?! They were painful and felt so close to normal contractions!