L in Other
Meeting spots? 😊
Anyone know any good meeting places in Colorado Springs?
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For mamas living in Colorado Springs to network, share advice and support one another.
L in Other
Anyone know any good meeting places in Colorado Springs?
Incognito in Other
Where are all of the boy mamas at to set up play dates once it gets nicer out? I only have friends that have girls and would love my little boy to meet some other boys. 🥰
A in Other
Anyone in the Colorado Springs area interested in play dates. I would love to meet some friends whose house I could come over to and they can come over to my house as well for wine, dinner and play dates, and/or outings. She’s 1 and we’re new here and I would really like for the both of us to meet some new friends.
Incognito in Making friends
Hey mama's I really need some mom friends to hangout with my bf is about to go back to work from maternity leave and I know I'm gonna be dying of boredom when he does, I'd love to hangout outside but it is a bit difficult because I currently don't have a car so if anyone is down to just hangout at my place or go to ...
Incognito in Other
My doctors have discussed that I need to take baby aspirin due to my left side of my uterus isn’t getting enough blood flow. And I’m just trying to make sure I don’t mess it up. They said baby aspirin just to be a type of blood thinner because it’s usually a sign of eclampsia? If I remember right. But my husband got...