Incognito in Pregnancy scans
My apps say 6 weeks today but sonographer said around 5 weeks… what does everyone think? We saw a very faint heartbeat. And if this was the ramsey theory is this classed as girl or boy??!
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Incognito in Pregnancy scans
My apps say 6 weeks today but sonographer said around 5 weeks… what does everyone think? We saw a very faint heartbeat. And if this was the ramsey theory is this classed as girl or boy??!
Incognito in Other
Hello everyone, I have had light brown spotting on 10dpo and 11dpo, with a few cramps. Still cramps now, sore breasts, a headache etc. Took a pregnancy test today and unfortunately it was negative. Could this be accurate?
Incognito in Other
I took a test 2 days ago for fun knowing it would be negative. I've been cramping and boob pain so took a test just now. I really didn't expect this! I'm in shock
Incognito in Other
Incognito in Pregnancy symptoms
So, this is a bit of fun really. I'm trying for my second. For those who've had a kid before, what were some crazy early symptoms that made you think you might be pregnant, and it ended up you were pregnant? I've not long stopped in our first round this month of trying to conceive and honestly have the achiest, tend...