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PCOS Support

Let’s support each other as we find our way with PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) whether you are TTC or already made a mama. Disclaimer: we are a peer support group, not medical professionals.

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Incognito in Other

Facial hair

Nurse told me there’s nothing that the doctor can prescribed for facial hair as nothing has been researched/approved by the NHS. Does anyone have any tips for slowing or stopping the growth of facial hair please? It goes all round underneath my chin area. This symptom has got so much worse since I’m PP, it’s growi...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Fertility treatments

Help! Can’t get pregnant !

I have been trying for 7 months now and as far as I’m aware i am ovulation as had positive strip tests and regular period each month and always on time! I was pregnant very young and with my second pregnancy I got pregnant 2 months after implant being removed! I am getting so upset and feel deflated and wondered i...

  • Incognito
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Incognito in Birth control

Would you take IUD or use contraceptive pills to help not have your endometrial line thickened? Or would you prefer to use other types of methods to help this?

I rarely get my period on my own and usually need the help of Provera to make them start. I have started a new diet to lose weight as I’ve recently been diagnosed with NAFLD at 1 months postpartum. I am hoping this helps get my periods too but I am sceptical as I used to struggle with my periods even when I was no...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Birth control

Please answer if you have PCOS- I have PCOS and have struggled with getting my periods at all. For the longest time, I have not had periods and have had to use Provera to help induce one. If u have PCOS - have you experienced no periods?

If so- for how long have you not had a period? - without intervention (meds to help)

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

B in Other

I'm starting to see results!

I downloaded an app for intermittent fasting and I'm starting to see my weight come down! It takes being very intentional about anything going into my mouth, as snacking heavily can undo the fasting period. But with some light exercises added and the intentionally eating? I'm down 7lb in a few weeks. I was 215 Dec 1...

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