HELLP and preeclampsia

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HELLP and preeclampsia

A support group for people who suffered with HELLP syndrome when pregnant.

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T in Other

Possibly preeclampsia

Hi I was wondering if this could be a possibility of preeclampsia I am 26weeks today with my little boy and I never swelled this bad with my daughter and I had my daughter at 34 weeks she was 4lbs 14oz perfectly healthy but this is what I’m going through now extremely swelling in feet and barely can Bend toes I go t...

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Incognito in Pregnancy Week by Week: Second Trimester

Can it start at 15 weeks

I had preeclampsia with my first born he was born two weeks early and I was in hospital ALOT to the point they prepped me to give birth early early had to get steroid injections to help his lungs but thankfully we kept him in a lot longer but anyway I’m pregnant again and I am on aspirin but the last 3 days I’ve ha...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

A in C-section

13w Preeclam Scan- high risk

Ugh so I just had the preeclampsia ultrasound scan (where they measure blood flow into to uterus) and I’m, of course, at risk of getting it again. Had high risk at 34 weeks and c section at 35. Happened all very quickly and traumatically. Was hoping I’d be able to have a schedule c section this time around. Trying ...

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Incognito in Pregnancy Week by Week: Second Trimester

Fear for future pregnancies - previous birth story

Hi, Im a FTM to a beautiful 8 month old baby boy. At my booking appointment for the pregnancy I was classified as high risk due to family history of Pre-eclampsia/HELLP aswell as being a FTM. Everything in my pregnancy was normal and dare I say "easy", until around 35/36 weeks when I suddenly had a high level of p...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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Incognito in Pregnancy Week by Week: Second Trimester

Likely to get

Hi, baby currently measuring at 1st percentile so a very small baby. I am 24 weeks. My blood and urine results suggested that I was showing protein leaks and liver abnormalities but my blood pressure has been stable. My consultant thinks blood and urine results along with fact baby is small suggests I will develop p...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

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