Bilingual (Spanish) Babies

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Bilingual (Spanish) Babies

I have a 2 yr old girl and a 5 month old baby girl that I only speak Spanish to. However, my husband and parents speak English to them so I’m worried they aren’t learning Spanish. I would like to meet up with other Spanish-speaking moms so our kids can play together and also learn Spanish. Tengo dos niñas y quiero que aprendan español. El problema que tengo es que mi esposo no habla español y mis padres sólo les hablan en inglés. Me gustaría conocer otras mamás Latinas que les estén enseñando español a sus niños. Yo vivo en Cape Coral y me gustaría juntarme con otras mamás para que nuestros niños puedan jugar y aprender español al mismo tiempo.

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Incognito in Bilingual babies

Spanish channels and toys :)

Hola! I am teaching my daughter Spanish whilst I learn too (Castilian Spanish). I’m new to Spanish and want to learn as quickly as possible to lead my daughter. I want her to have bilingual books and also toys. Things like yoto I can only find in English. Same with any soaking toy. Please can you help? We watch mis...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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G in Other

Share your boy nanes

I am looking for a bilingual Spanish boy name and getting very stuck. Our first boys name is Ruben which we love and can't find anything we like as much looking for ideas! Ideally a name that sounds similar / is easy to say in the two languages

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p in Other


Hi! Any Spanish mums in Birmingham Uk?

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D in Bilingual babies

Looking for UK Spanish speaking mamas!

Hi! I am trying to learn Spanish as a second language. I fell in love with the language years ago and have been trying (and failing!) to learn it ever since. I want to become fluent and then hopefully teach my daughter the language but I am finding it so hard! Are there any Spanish speaking moms in the UK? I am from...

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Incognito in Bilingual babies

Hola a todas

Hola, ¿alguien quisiera practicar su inglés? Estoy queriendo aprender y me falta práctica, de momento soy principiante Hello, would anyone like to practice their English? I am wanting to learn and I need practice, at the moment I am a beginner

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

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