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Mixed race babies

A group for beautiful mixed race babies and their mums

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S in Baby products

Another product query...

My little girl is 3 now and her hair is beautiful. But it is so fine, thanks to me. I currently use moisture shampoo and conditioner but it dries out so quickly. I have tried the leave ins, gels and creams and nothing seems enough. After a few hours it is drying out again. Can anyone recommend any products that mi...

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C in Other

What products work best for my daughter’s hair ?

Her hair is really curly but also goes dry and frizzy .. what products can I use to Maintain her hair .. she’s half Jamaican I need help thank you x

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Incognito in Baby products

Hair type

What hair type would you say my little one has? His hair grows upwards when has no product on it. I don’t know if curls will stay but I think they look like they will, what products would use or would not use any? Thanks

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Incognito in Other

Daughters hair

My daughter has beautiful curls but whenever they dry they’re very dry and frizzy. I think she most likely has low porosity hair as it takes ages for it to get wet. I currently wet her hair then put in Camille Rose Coconut Water Leave-In Treatment then ORS Olive Oil Wrap/Set Hair Styling Mousse. Any tips please ????

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Incognito in Other

How can I style her hair?

Daughter is almost 2, biracial (black/white). I love her hair! It’s curly and finally starting to fill out (she was bald for so long!). I’d love to style it or add bows to it to make it more feminine as she can easily be called a boy by strangers. But I don’t know what to do or what to add. There are parts that ...

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