J in Ovulation tests
Ovulation line?
Is this the peak?
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This group is intended for LH/HCG test results only. The reasons for creating this was because sometimes when you have been trying to conceive for a while, it does get a bit..well frustrating. I wanted a place where we can just upload our test lines and hope that others can see what we see or even help with ovulation peaks. I think this can be very positive for us TTC beauties, how exciting seeing all those BFP. Gives us all hope!! 👀👀 Get those peepers at the ready!
J in Ovulation tests
Is this the peak?
Incognito in Other
Is this positive? I’m due on my period today but I just had a funny feeling. These are only cheap tests so do you think I should pick up some clear blue tests. Thanks in advance.
Incognito in Ovulation tests
Can anybody help me I’m due on any day and I took an ovulation test out of curiosity this evening and it’s come back positive. A few people have suggested that’s a sign of pregnancy but I don’t know what to believe 🤦🏽‍♀️ has anybody had this before? I didn’t think you could ovulate before your period.
Incognito in Other
This is 12 dpo through to 15 dpo - I defiantly can see that the line is getting darker but I wouldn't say it's doubling every 48 hours like it should do? I had a chemical back in November and watching your tests go to negitive is heart breaking so I'm hoping for not the same this time!
Incognito in Other
I had a faint line with my last pregnancy back in Nov 9 sadly losses it a month later so please tell me do you see a shadow and yes taken in time frame