Eczema and Allergies

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Eczema and Allergies

Supporting and sharing advice for mamas with kids with eczema and/or food allergies. It can be a frustrating, challenging, and lonely journey. Let’s empower each other, mamas!

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S in Other


How do you respond to constant itching? My 2year old will itch constantly and I feel she has 0 quality of life. She goes to nursery for 4hrs a few days a week and they're struggling too. If I let her, shed sit scratching all day. She gets in a fixated state and her face goes red. How do I support her with this? At...

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Incognito in Skin conditions

What age did your little one develop eczema?

I'm really interested to know what age most babies developed their eczema. For us, it was around the 16 week mark, and we're still not fully sure what's the cause (she's been dairy free since 6 weeks, and is now 2yrs old)

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Baby products

Shared clothes dilemma

My brother and sister in law use laundry detergents that are SO strong and perfumed and since we share clothes for our 2 year old daughters and infant sons it's an issue when we're dealing with eczema in our household. They buy the girl clothes and we buy the boy clothes to keep it fair. I'm not sure if this will co...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

A in Skin conditions

Allergy testing

Has anyone been through the allergy testing route to find root cause of eczema in their little one? Mine is 6 months old and we woke up to blood on her sheets where she rubbed her face raw. Can you explain what you had to do and go through? Steroid has helped but it keeps coming back. I need to find out what she i...

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D in Other

Baby itching at nappy changes

GP seems to think that my baby itching at every nappy change is eczema even though there is no signs of dry rashy skin. Did anyone have this? She’s 7 months old and has been itching for as long as I can remember

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