May 2020 Babies 🇺🇸

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May 2020 Babies 🇺🇸

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B in Parties & celebrations


Four is hard over here- anyone else? I swear she is going through so many changes and new skills it's like a crazy mix between a small grown up, teenager and a baby...

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N in Activities for kids

Play group

My son is 4 and has disability. Hard to find play group for him .He only child at home .He gets so excited when he see other kids his age .but since he doesn't get to see other kids he sometimes gets in others spaces.if there is play groups or other moms just looking for play date in kenner or St charles parish let ...

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N in Disabilities

Special need kids ❤️

Is there any mom here who has a kid with autism or ADHD i am looking for mom friends

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S in Other

Working at a daycare as a mom

All the moms that work in childcare please give me some insight. Is it overstimulating? How’s the hours? Do your kids go to your facility? Anything you can share.

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T in Premature birth

Birth Story- saw someone else do this

Age I got pregnant: 23 Age I gave birth: 23 How far along was I when I found out: 6ish weeks Morning sickness: only gaging Cravings: Chinese food and watermelon Due date: August 17 2020 Birth Date: May 3 2020 Hours in labor: 72 Who was there: baby daddy Epidural: Spinal block for C-section Forceps: no Induced: no C-...

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