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Incognito in Making friends

Mommy friend

Hi everyone, first time mom here. Looking to meet new moms in STC/Markville/ area. Stroller walks, coffee days etc. Just to get out of the house, cabin fever is real 🥲

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

O in Activities for kids

Markville Mall walks

If any moms would like to meet up at Marville Mall for stroller walks or make it a regular, weekly thing to get out of the house a bit message me!

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Y in Work & money

Midwife for Twin Pregnancy

Hi I would like help on which midwife can assist with twin pregnancy I live in Toronto Some refuse to take twin pregnancy bcoz it’s high Risk Please advice I do have a OB but I could receive postpartum help from midwife Thankyou

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B in Baby products

Unused diapers

I have a bunch of unused diapers (sizes 1 and 2). Is there a place in Markham I can donate them to?

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Incognito in Other

Smash cake for first birthday

My baby's first birthday is coming up and I wanted to do a photo session either at home or at a studio. Where can I get a smash cake from? Any recommendations for Markham area?

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

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