April 2023 Babies 🇺🇸

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J in Other

First time to Disneyland

Hi, we are planing to take our soon to be 2 year old son to Disneyland in California either towards end of March or beginning April. What do you guys recommend also, should I get a fast line hopper pass ? Is it worth it? What time should I leave? I need just info. Handy tips / mom tips and suggestions please :))

  • J
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  • J

K in Baby milestones

Foot pain…?

My little boy has been running around all day in his crocs and has never had any complaints about the crocs before so I don’t know if it’s the shoes but he randomly stopped running and was telling me “ow booboo” and was taking off his shoe to show me his foot and was limping a little I was watching him the whole tim...

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C in Baby sleep

Restless sleeper

My son has never been a good sleeper and has only slept through the night a handful of times. He is super restless when sleeping. Something like an alligator rolling 🤣 Anyone have a restless sleeper? Anything you've tried that has helped?

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C in Skin conditions

Lip blister/suck blister

Looking to see if anyone else has experience with this. My LO is 21 months. Hasn't breastfed or had bottle/pacifier since he was 1 year old. He currently drinks out of straw cups, open cups, and the munchkin 360 cups. He still every now and then gets a lip blister (usually called a suck blister) right in the middle...

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  • C

Incognito in Baby sleep


How do you get your kiddos down? Toddler is WILD and fights her sleep for HOURS just tossing and turning. We have the lights off, no distractions, sound machine, we follow a bedtime routine of bath time and reading a book. But nothing seems to get her to sleep “on time” She wakes up 7:30/8am, try to get her to nap ...

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  • Incognito
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