April 2023 Babies 🇺🇸

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Incognito in Skin conditions

What is this?

What is this? They started showing up yesterday but went right away. Now it’s back & it’s more of them. She’s only scratching at the ones on her leg.

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

J in Other

Milk amount

My LO for the past week or so only wants his milk. Huge milk phase. And I can tell he’s cutting some teeth. Is this a normal part of teething? Hes also not eating a whole lot of food other then some snacks here and there. He’s 17m

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Incognito in Sex

Lack of Interest in Sex

Does anyone else have like ZERO interest in sex for the most part? I feel bad cause i love my husband and i find him so sexy, and i even have moments during the day where im like “yes let’s go!”… but by the time we actually get a kid free opportunity im just like uhg no im tired and i just want to sleep. And then ea...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

J in Baby & toddler food


Hi girls My son just turned 17 months and the last week he hasn’t been eating like he used to … and that worries a mom … he eats his breakfast like always always finishes everything . But when it comes to lunch and dinner I kinda struggle … I never did he is the type he would eat almost everything from his plate .. ...

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S in Baby milestones

Tantrum Survivors

I’m reaching out to all the moms who have recently reached the stage where their child turns into a monster😭 Are you guys ok? How are you handling it?

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