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A group for all the girl mums to ask for tips, tricks, advice or show off their beautiful babies 💗

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E in Teething

Teething symptoms

Can anyone help work out if my baby girl is teething or not? My baby girl has started to get irritable and seems uncomfortable most of the time and her cheeks are always flushed and red. She is 11 weeks old? Is this a sign teething is starting?

  • E
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J in Age gaps

My girls

5 years apart I can’t believe I have two girls! My oldest has been so helpful and sometimes I cry because I feel so lucky to have her. I had a c section with my 2nd and she was so sweet helping me and never complaining. She loves to help but sometimes it’s a bit overwhelming because somethings I want to do things my...

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Incognito in Baby sleep

Sleep and naps

Is it normal that my babies going down to bed makes me EXTREMELY anxious??? Like I literally start shaking at the thought of it. It’s so hard to get them down and them waking up or just fighting it ruins my entire day. I feel like my whole day is just trying to get them to sleep….

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  • Incognito

Incognito in Other

Scared and nervous

I am 39 weeks today. My Dr start cervical check from 37 4d which was the most painful thing ever. Left me in tears and so uncomfortable. I always thought I have high pain tolerance and wondering if I am not or this is really painful. On 37w4d my cervix was shut and wanted to check again the week after. She from tha...

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  • Incognito

Incognito in Relationships


I have a friend (let’s call her S) and after I had my first child, she came to visit us and S accidentally hurt my baby (well I mean I hope it was an accident i don’t think it would’ve been on purpose). I was there, I was watching but I didn’t see what happened, I just knew my baby’s sore cry. S basically tried to b...

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