April 2022 Babies 🇺🇸

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A in Baby sleep


Does your April 2022 baby still nap?

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A in Pregnancy Week by Week: First Trimester

Freaking out

I am currently 5w pregnant with our second pregnancy- I had an HCG draw today and it was at 6000. Is that considered really high? I’m nervous it could be twins and as bad as this sounds we can’t mentally,physically or financially support twins

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Incognito in Common illness


My son has been having this cough for 3 months and I took him to urgent care and his doctor but they say it's just a cold and his lungs are clean but one urgent care doctor thinks it's asthma, but he also been throwing up on and off with this cough and it sounds congest and wet and idk what it is. Idk what it can be...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

K in Accidents & injuries

Minor Car Accident

Has anyone been in a minor collision with their car seats in the car? I was in one last night and the responding officers said that there was no need to be concerned for my car seats, but from everything I have read, they aren't safe after any type of impact? Any insight?

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R in Other

Just found out I’m pregnant with my second…

I haven’t told my husband yet and want to break the news to him in a fun way. First pregnancy I broke the news by making a wine label saying you’re going to be a dad that I put on a champagne bottle and made him pull it out of some gift wrapping. He loved that and still has the bottle. This time he may not be as o...

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