ADHD Parent Support Group

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ADHD Parent Support Group

This is an all inclusive (LGBT+ friendly) group for parents of ADHD/ODD/etc (professional &/or self diagnosis welcome) kids to share inspiring memes, stories, vent, ask for advice, or anything else uplifting of one another. The world is hard enough, then add in having ADHD or having a child with ADHD & all the snarky, rude comments & looks.. it can equal an extremely toxic environment. We do not want that in this group. Negativity, bashing or shaming will not be tolerated. Welcome to all! 🤘🏼🖤

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a in Disabilities

Hello everyone

what's y'all opinions on trying your kid to take ADHD meds?

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Incognito in Other

How Did Your Toddler (Possibly ADHD) React to a New Sibling?

Has anyone experienced a situation where their three‐year‐old (possibly exhibiting ADHD traits) had to adjust to the arrival of a new baby? How did he react, and what behavioural changes should I expect? My son will be 2 years and 10 months old when his little sister is born. He has been going to nursery since he wa...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

d in Common illness

Did anybody have problems

Did anybody have problems and really bad melt downs with there child before using medicine with there child

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J in Disabilities

Worried about my son

What are signs that a 5 year old could have adhd

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A in Disabilities

Just venting

Hi everyone, I just wanted to get advise on how to deal with relatives and people who doesn’t validate that you child has ADHD, they always say things like “Oh his behavior is normal it will pass, there is no such thing as ADHD” or “I feel like everyone has ADHD in different levels” and other nonsense comments. I me...

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