Incognito in Pregnancy scans
Growth scan
Anyone been sent for a growth scan at stepping hill? How long did it take for them to contact you?
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Connecting Stockport mamas with local information, fun events, and sharing in the journey of raising little ones.
Incognito in Pregnancy scans
Anyone been sent for a growth scan at stepping hill? How long did it take for them to contact you?
H in Childcare
Please can someone help me understand 🤣 I applied through Stockport education portal in September 2024 for a nursery place for my daughter. She turned 3 in January this year so would that application be for April this year or September? This whole school thing confuses me 🤣
Incognito in Activities for kids
Really struggling thinking of something to do with my 2 year old today, anyone got any inspiration? Indoors and low cost? (Aka not SeaLife etc😂)
Incognito in Motherhood
Hey guys. I'm pregnant with baby number 2, looking to meet some mum friends with children around my second borns age. I'm in Stockport x
B in Groups
Hey! Any recommendations for prenatal classes and newborn baby groups? I’m the first in my friendship group to have a baby so would love to meet others in a similar situation to spend maternity leave with 🥰❤️