✨️Virtual Mom Friends✨️

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✨️Virtual Mom Friends✨️

ALL are welcome! This is a safe space for Mom's to come together and socialize from the comfort of their home 🏡 Whether you are an anxious Mom, a SAHM who needs adult interaction, or a Mom who just doesn't have time to meet up with friends in person, this is the place for you...and with no pressure! [ Virtual Events ] ✨️ Pods: general chit-chat or topic themed ✨️ Movie nights via Discord ✨️ Music and chill via Discord ✨️ Seasonal activities via Discord - such as arts and crafts (no mic or webcam required - you can just be a silent participant or type in the chat). ✨️ Gaming events via Discord [ RULES ] It's simple. Be kind. 🫰🏻

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N in Making friends

Needing a virtual friend

I’m kinda at the point where i want to give up. It’s hard as it is feeling like I don’t belong in a world where I don’t fit in to people around me. I’ve tried looking for friends on here over a hundred times probably by now and no luck. I’m looking for a friend who calls just to check in, sparks up weird conversatio...

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7 likes,8 comments

N in Making friends


I’m 22, a ♌️, I have a 3 year old boy and I’m a sahm who is also doing online college for criminal justice. I’d love new friends who never stop talking 😂like lord give me a friend who will call me randomly just to vent or be stupid with

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3 likes,4 comments

Incognito in Mental health & wellbeing

Giving up

I'm not even remotely ok. I'm pregnant and until friday homeless, with toddlers and we haven't eaten in days. We're in the car tonight because nobody wants to help us with a room and I'm broke and I'm tired of begging mentally I can't cope right now Nowhere wants to help and I've had 2 people threaten to call CPS. ...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

M in Household

Busy mommas

Does anyone else feel like all they do is clean ALL DAY LONG but NOTHUNG gets done

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N in Social media

Looking for a virtual best friend

I’m a stay at home mom, I’m 22 years old and I am all about texting or calling or vc. I have a 3yr old boy he’s hyper as can be but he’s my LO his name is Nikolai. I have FB & Snapchat so if your down to be friends drop your snap or inbox me This is me. I’m not as mean as I look I swear

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