A in Early pregnancy symptoms
Is this normal
Is it normal just to have cramping this early on I don't have any other symptoms then cramping and maybe feeling a little tired but I do have an 11 month old
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By Gail Janicola
A community focused on the stages of motherhood from TTC through pregnancy, birth and postpartum. Acquiring evidence-based information and becoming empowered to advocate for individualized care is our foundation.This group provides a no-judgment space for learning and sharing. All those in it have a strong desire to discover their unique and authentic path and build their confidence along the way. I’m Gail, a birth educator, doula, doula trainer, author and board certified health & wellness coach, and I’m so honored to navigate this group! You can find out more about me at www.momsontop.com. 😊 Do you want to talk in real-time? I’d love to meet you! Schedule a call or zoom here: https://calendly.com/gailjanicola
A in Early pregnancy symptoms
Is it normal just to have cramping this early on I don't have any other symptoms then cramping and maybe feeling a little tired but I do have an 11 month old
K in Pregnancy termination
currently 18 weeks few days , I’m a first time mom . I have little to no family support or advice I’m just wondering what I should be doing in this time for my pregnancy? I’ve started a registry not finished yet . I’m due in July so I kinda want a baby shower in April maybe may ? I don’t know I feel like I should be...
A in Pregnancy Week by Week: Second Trimester
So I'm 4 weeks 2 days today and I have an almost 1 year old , can I have a misscarige if I'm bending down or leaning over to much ....
A in Pregnancy test results
So I'm around 4 weeks I've had 7 positive pregnancy tests and I've done 3 digitals and there all saying not pregnant ... I'm so confused more pictures in comments x
K in Pregnancy scans
Yesterday I went in for my NT Ultrasound at 13 weeks pregnant. I was getting the ultrasound done when my what seems to be my son was spreading and kicking the wand & the tech exclaimed “Oop I think I know what you are having!!” & I’m like HUH ( Thinking there’s no way I’m too early ) I look at the screen seeing what...