February 2023 Babies 🇺🇸

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February 2023 Babies 🇺🇸

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A in Postpartum mental health

The struggle is real

I’m almost 2 years postpartum and I feel like the mom guilt just gets worse. The idea of finding myself as a mom or “getting my pink back” feels so selfish. I don’t know where to start or how to let go of the guilt

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M in Baby sleep

Weaning from nursing

Hi! My son will be 2 in Feb. I have been nursing him his whole life. Any tips on how to start weaning? When I’m gone at night he will take a sippy cup from dad then let him rock him to sleep. But I can’t put him down for a nap, bed, etc. without him ripping my shirt off. He doesn’t nurse any other time besides morni...

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Incognito in Baby milestones


I’m worried about my sons speech and the speech therapist I booked with is pretty booked out, any tips on how to get him talking more? He says words like mom, mama, dada, no, up, down and baba but from what I’ve seen and being told he should be saying more? Help

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M in Baby sleep

Sleep regression

Anyone else LO fighting bedtime tooth and nail? I literally cannot get my daughter to end anymore because she trashes and screams and cries so hard because she doesn’t want me to leave. BUT, if I leave for bed time and just sit in the car and my wife puts her down she goes to bed totally normally. It’s so weird and ...

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Incognito in Other

Late on second period

Hi all! I EP my almost 3 month old. I got my period last month on the 27th. I’m a few days late and am freaking out. My husband and I have had sex but we’ve been super careful and use condoms. Should I be concerned or is it normal to have a few days off on period?

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