Mummas of Twins/multiples.

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Mummas of Twins/multiples.

general support/friendship group for mama's of twins, triplets or quads. Understanding, non-judgemental place to chat, share experiences and parenting tips and life hacks with other like minded mumma's with twins, triplets or quads (or more)

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Incognito in Pregnancy scans

NIPT test

Has anyone had their fetal fractions come back around 2-2.6 and had success with a second draw with Didi twins? I had the first draw done at 12 weeks and 2 days I believe. I want to know as soon as possible, but my next ultrasound isn't until February 11th, and we don't have an extra $90 for a boutique ultrasound ri...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

H in Multiple birth

Had my twins at 37+1 23rd December

Wanted to share my babies are finally here. 3 days old now and I am in love and over the moon!

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E in Multiple birth


How long were everyone's twins in hospital for? We're mum discharged before the twins?

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Incognito in Multiple birth

Twin worries

Hi, I am 40 next year and already have two children, one in high school and one in primary. I’ve loved having children and have struggled with them getting bigger and things changing so we decided to have one more baby. Fast forward and I am now 28 weeks pregnant with twins. Shock does not describe how we felt when ...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

E in Hospital bag

Hospital bag

Anyone with a singleton did you pack you hospital bag same or different for twins? I don't know what to do as I know they will technically be 4 weeks early and if they have to stay in how much clothing and things will they need.

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