Mummas of Twins/multiples.

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Mummas of Twins/multiples.

general support/friendship group for mama's of twins, triplets or quads. Understanding, non-judgemental place to chat, share experiences and parenting tips and life hacks with other like minded mumma's with twins, triplets or quads (or more)

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E in Baby sleep

Twins not sleeping good at all??! Please help

I have 17 month old twins and they keep waking up at night and will stay up for 2-3 hours at a time. They're sleep in the same room but in different cribs and I usually bring the awake one in my room but it's hard when they're both up. they were pretty decent sleepers but the last few nights it's the same they wake ...

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A in Pregnancy Week by Week: First Trimester

Belly dropped

I noticed my belly dropped today with twins at 33 weeks, when did you go into labour after your belly dropped?

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Incognito in Pregnancy scans

vanishing twin syndrome?

I’m 10 weeks today.. baby #2 has always measured smaller by a week. They thought I was going to lose her but then they finally saw a good heart beat for both babies at 6 weeks.. I’ve been going once a week now for ultrasounds and everything has looked good until today… they couldn’t find a heart beat and the baby me...

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A in Premature birth

Twin birth

I’m 33 weeks pregnant Sunday, and just curious when people went into labour / had their c section booked in for. Twin 2 is measuring small so not sure they’re letting me go 37 weeks…

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A in Other

Post partum joint pain

Hi all , I'm 7 months post partum with my twinnies and I am STILL suffering with knee pain and back pain ! Will it ever improve ? I'm trying to work on my core strength but if feels like as I'm getting stronger my girls are getting bigger and the weight lifting them up and down is killing me ahha ! Any tips? Xx

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