To Epidural or Not to Epidural ad why?

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I was having contractions and omg I was taking them like a champ even tho they’re no joke! And my mom told me take it take it !!! I personally didn’t wanted because I heard so many stories on it so at the moment I was like ughh ok mom call the nurse and they put it in me I think the needle part is MORE painful then the contractions pain ugh I still can feel it ever since I took it my back is never the same! I’m only 20 and I feel like I’ve worked my whole life with my back it hurts when I lift heavy stuff like that was my biggest regret in life 🙂🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️😭😭

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I’m 23 with my first baby, I’ve heard stories too. I’m not sure what I want to do yet. I’m 18 weeks this week and I’m struggling to see what would be best. I’m scared to end up paralyzed (one story) and I’ve always had minor back pain that’s super annoying, and I wouldn’t want it to be worse.

My sister in law took it twice and her back pain is worst than mine 😰

I got an epidural at about 6.5 cm and I’m really happy that I did. Getting the epidural didn’t hurt compared to the pain of back labor/ contractions. I haven’t had any back issues from it. It’s really just a personal decision.

I was really against getting one because I wanted to experience labor full on. But I ended up getting induced and the contractions became painful fast and I ended up getting one. I had the push button epidural and it was good until the end of my 30 hr labor. When I would push it because I could start to feel them again I would start feeling sick. But it was good.

I got one, and it sucked mainly cause they had to put it in THREE TIMES, the women could not get it, so she had to call in back up to help her out, luckily the back up got it.. since the baby shifts things around in your body my spine was off a little and the women didn’t realize that-.- as far as pain during getting it, it wasn’t tooo bad the sound your hear when they put it in was scarier than the pain I felt. It’s a weird pain that I can’t explain lol. But once it’s done you feel pretty good! But if you wanna try natural go for it, I waited till the very last minute to get one and honestly it wasn’t tooo bad waiting longer!

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Yikes ! That sounds a bit annoying ! ☹️I think that’s what’s going to end up happening. I might go in for natural and if it gets too intense I’ll ask for it.

It was annoying, but hey I lived lol Do you! Whatever your choice will be best for you! Either way! Giving birth is hard but so rewarding no matter how it happens!💕💕💕💪🏽💪🏽 women’s bodies are so strong!

I say epidural all the way. I have a pretty high pain tolerance (walked around with a fractured 5th metatarsal for a year before needing surgery to fix it) and the contractions were super intense. I toughed it out for 7 hours of labor and got to 6cm until I hit my threshold, which was crying with each contraction. The actual needle injection was uncomfortable and the injection site is sore for a few days after, like a huge bruise, but overall it was completely worth it. I was able to feel the contractions when it came time to push but they felt more like a light cramp, so I knew when to push and I also felt the pressure of his head when he was coming through the birth canal which made it easy to continue to push but there was no pain. I actually told my husband I’d do it all again like 30 mins after our son was born.

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Thank youu!!! This gives me a lot of insight and thank you for sharing. I always wondered. Clearly this is my first child 😂. I do appreciate it though!

It was my first baby too. I went into my birth with no plan so I suggest just keep an open mind. There’s no extra credit for suffering through the pain!

Go in with an open mind. I hadn’t made up my mind about them until I was in labor. I have had kidney stones multiple times, and everyone told me that kidney stones hurt more than giving birth. And if I could handle kidney stones than I could handle birth. But the pain got so bad from the contractions I was throwing up and I gave in. I went into labor at noon on a Wednesday. Went to the hospital at 9pm because my contractions were three minutes apart for 45 seconds (they wanted me to come in when my contractions were 5 minutes apart but I didn’t want to get sent home).. I ended up getting sent home anyway because even though I had been in labor for 9 hours, my water hadn’t broken and I was only 1 cm (which I was at my last checkup the week before..). We went in again at 4am but took a lot longer to get to the hospital because we had to pull over for me to throw up.. I hadn’t slept all night, it was awful. 5am roles around and I finally get an epidural. I finally slept 6 hours solid!

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I think it’s different from person to person. Do what your body tells you to do.

They stopped it when I was 9.5 cm so I could feel her. I was 4cm before I got the epidural after 17 hours of labor - 6 hours of epidural I was at 9.5cm. It helped me sleep after not getting sleep since that Tuesday night. Still haven’t slept that much (or that solid) since lol! My baby was perfectly alert and latched and ate like a champ for a solid hour. I barely noticed the needle pain if at all. Honestly the IV in my hand hurt more and gave me more pain. I’ve always had terrible back pains and nothing has changed there (for better or worse).

For the first 9 hours I was doing fine with the contractions, but when they started inducing me I was really sensitive to the pitocin (to the point where one contraction lasted about 15 minutes and the monitors tracking contractions and baby’s heart rate were maxed out) I felt like I couldn’t breath it hurt so much. That’s when I got the epidural and didn’t feel a thing! It magical lol. I do get mild back pains where they put the epidural, usually if I sit down for too long.

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The epidural also let me sleep after being awake for 26 hours

I didn’t have epidural, my choice it was to go all the way meds free as I wanted a water birth. But from what I know is that every individual reacts different to epidural and sometimes doesn’t work at all so I guess at the end it will be your choice and your luck. Good luck mamma! x

I would recommend going in open to anything...labor doesn’t always go as planned! Myself, I had the narcotic rather than the epidural. I actually didn’t realize I was in early labor (I never had Braxton Hicks, so the whole morning/afternoon I thought that was what I was experiencing). By the time we were sure it was go time I couldn’t tolerate the pain anymore, but from having a cyst removed on my back I was nervous of having someone cut into my back and put something near my spine. At the point I asked for another dose they checked me first and we were too late...9.5 cm. I had no choice but to finish without any meds. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I won’t lie, when they broke my bag of waters it hurt. But it will all depend on your pain tolerances and what else your body is doing the day of.

I tried to go without one. I labored naturally for 14 hours, and then I started to vomit from pain. My doctor really recommended the epidural at that point. I only had the epidural in for an hour and half before baby was born, but WOW those things really do eliminate pain

I chose not to have one because the thought of a needle in my back and being limited from moving around was more concerning to me than the pain. I was able to move around, sit, lie down, squat, have a shower etc during my birth and I loved that I had freedom because the less you can move the more you feel the intensity of the contractions. Yes it’s intense and yes it’s painful but I read a lot about birth and delivery, mentally prepared for it and basically kept telling myself it was natural/good pain that would get me to our son in the end. Our bodies were created a certain way to be able to do this and I trusted in that. My labour was 31 hours all up from the start of the contractions, went into labour naturally, after 26 hours I had to be induced with oxytocin as I had only dilated 3cms at that point, 5 hours later our son was born. I think you need to do what you think is right for you and decide on the day if you can’t now! Everyone is different! You do forget all the pain after! Good luck!!! xxx

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I had the same question & my MIL asked me "Do you take aspirin at the start of a headache?" To which I replied, of course! (My family is prone to severe headaches, not quite migraines but pretty close) and she said "well buckle up, because those contractions are gonna be way more intense than your headaches..." And so when that epidural was compared to my headache relief, I jumped right on that ship & never looked back. TBH idk how women do it without, more power to the ones that do but I have nothing to prove to anyone & am so thankful I decided to go that route. #EpiduralAllTheWay

I was undecided when I got to the hospital about an epidural. Labor came on super quickly for me. I was only at the hospital for about three hours before I delivered. My contractions started off super mild. I left my doctor's office feeling fine and by the time I got to the hospital 20 minutes later I couldn't even walk the contractions were so bad. Since this was my first baby, I thought that it would be a long labor and delivery so I opted for the epidural with the thinking that if I was in this much pain in the beginning I would need something to help me through it all. I feel like the epidural gave me less than an hour of pain relief and then I was ready to push. Looking back now I think I could have handled not getting the epidural but I am so glad I did. Even that hour of pain relief was worth it. I've heard of women being so exhausted from labor pains that pushing is really overwhelming. That was a fear of mine and another one of the reasons I opted for the epidural.

Epidural because it was the only think that made my labor somewhat bearable

Go in with an open mind! I didn’t want an epidural but had to get one with my C section(completely different birth than what I had planned). It does feel a little uncomfortable going in but it really doesn’t hurt at all since they numb the area first!

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Try without it.. if you can take it.. that shot fucced my back all the way up! My son is 3 and I still have pain.

I labored for 24 hours and then gave in and got the epi. It helped so much. Even though I could still feel my contractions I was able to concentrate and zen out. She was born 4 hours later.

No epidural. Personally felt empowered by it. It hurt a lot but I did other things to help with the pain like breathing exercises , meditation and essential oils. But no judgment if you want it! I think it’s a personal choice that you should just do research on before getting. Just like anything else.

I had it and loved it. Only thing was they have to straight cath you cause you don't know when you have to go. Well the nurse messed up and had to do it again and for the longest time after whenever I had to go I would get a really bad stabbing pain in my bladder.

I think it’s easier to not have a plan and be open minded about your labour and delivery. I was like you and didn’t know if I wanted the epidural or not. Mainly because I didn’t want to be confined to a bed and be able to move (plus catheter..yuck) and I read that it sometimes takes longer to labour because you can’t feel anything. I figured I would go in there and do no epidural until I really thought I needed it even with everyone telling me that it’s something I should get right off the bat. In the end, I had to have a scheduled c-section because my son was breech and I didn’t have a choice regarding the epidural/numbing and the catheter.

I got one, it was fine, delayed my labor, but it all worked out. Just remember, you will be confined to your bed, you have NO feeling or control of your legs or bladder. The nurses had to hold my legs so I could push. We ended up turning it off because I couldn't feel enough to push properly. If you have strong upper body strength it helps because I was sliding downward in bed and I could pull myself up.

I went in without making a decision as I didn’t know what it would feel like with or without and there were so many opinions. I found it very painful as my contractions were up to 3 minutes long and back to back (irregular contractions ended up causing me to need a c section). I got the epidural and am really glad I did. It was a more relaxed and enjoyable experience for sure! Totally your call though. Everyone has different pain tolerance levels and experiences. Just stick with what you think is best when you are in the moment. Once your baby comes you don’t even really remember those details (my baby was born a week ago and the struggles of delivery are hazy to me already). Good luck xo

I wasn't sure what pain relief I wanted.I started with just gas and air but my boy was lying on across my back so all my contractions went straight to my back and the epidural helped so much.

Epidural! You are already a rockstar for carrying the babe no need to be miserable during delivery. Labor is already bizarre and a bit ridiculous (IMO) and all of the doctors and nurses are there for a reason.

Everybody is going to have a different reaction or heal differently during and after birth mama, but regardless of your choice remember that your body is doing exactly what it was designed for. Your body knew how to grow your peanut inside of you and your body will know how to bring peanut into this world! Do what you think is best for you. My peanut will be two weeks old this Thursday, I delivered him at home, drug free. It was definitely a lot of work but I felt so empowered after like me and my peanut we did that together! But no matter what you’re going to do amazing your body is going to know exactly what to do and you’ll have baby in your arms before you know it ❤️

I had an epidural with my first because the doctors told me I had to (I had preeclampsia). Hope to have a natural birth this time around. Good luck!

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I have never heard that, did they say why?

They were worried the contractions would make my blood pressure spike even higher. Unfortunately the first epidural they gave me stopped working so I felt all the contractions. They gave me a second when I was already 10 cm dilated. So the only thing I didn’t feel was the actual birth.

I had the epidural early like 2-3cm my first pregnancy and after that I got some rest thankfully between them coming in and checking me. Ended up needing a csection bc I stopped dilating at 8. And she was sitting over to my left side bc she’s stubborn lol my second time(different hospital) I couldn’t get it til I was 7 cm and I had the shakes bad bc of the adrenaline from the pain of contractions. Couldn’t stop shaking. Then they gave me the epidural and broke my water. And put the catheter in. With that epidural my legs started feeling super hot like they were heating up from the inside from my feet to my hip and my legs started jerking bc of some nerve they must of hit or touched. I’m just thankful for it bc I had to have an emergency csection that time.

I chose not to have an epidural because I wanted the freedom to move around and labour in different positions. I am really glad I chose to go without because it allowed me to labour in the tub which moved things along really quickly- I went from 4-9.5 cm in an hour in the tub after 5 hours of barely any progress before the tub. It wasn’t too bad, and I plan for my future births to be unmedicated as well if it is possible!

I went in not wanting an epidural but ended up getting one. The pain got to me. It did slow my labor way down. Not being able to move your lower half sucks. My back got very sore from not being able to get out of bed and from where the epidural had been. However if given the chance I will probably have one for my next baby...

I was scared to get it, got it after being induced and 2 hours later had my baby girl! For me it helped my body relax!

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I was so against one and then when they broke my water the pain was un bearable and I have a high pain tolerance and ended up getting one! Don't feel bad if you decide to get one, I give credit to mamas who chooses not too but also support mamas who do

Do you like extreme pain?

I wish i had i was allergic, so all three of my boys were 10lbs and i didn’t get one and i labored forever on pitocin. My biggest was 10lb4oz and 23.5 inches long 😩 i liked the squat bar though and the bouncy ball and the hot tub like bath i could get in since i didn’t get the needle!

I had an epidural and I wanted one and I’m thankful because I was able to relax and enjoy the birth. My pain was managed well. Everyone should have the experience they want!

I plan on getting one. I’m no hero and I’m not trying to be. I already know i can’t take pain and if labor is anything like I’ve heard, they’re gonna have to stick me! Matter fact, i plan to familiarize myself with the anesthesiologist right when i go in. Lol

No epidural. I wanted to be able to move around into different positions durring labor and I labored in the tub, on a yoga ball etc. The drug also crosses the placenta and can possibly affect the baby's ability to latch and breastfeeding was really important for me.

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Watch business of being born if you havent seen it ❤

Yep, that’s my reasoning for wanting a natural birth second time around

It didn’t hurt for me but I was really nervous it made me relax and had such a strong kick 😂but I always have problems with my back every once in awhile 😩🤦🏽‍♀️

I had an epidural and I didn't find it was painful to have done! My pain threshold is low and my contractions were never far enough apart to go to sleep between even at the start so I was grateful for it so I could get some sleep! It must have worn off at some point for me though because I remember an awful lot of pain when I was pushing!

I don't know how anyone can give birth without an epidural with how much pain I was in even with one.

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Natural endorphins kick in and honestly I don’t remember much!

No I wouldn’t apparently it can cause mega back pain for years after having baby

I got one because I had to get induced, and medically induced contractions can often be much worse than natural ones (longer, more forceful, etc.) I labored for a while without it, but then they turned up the pitocin and I was like “nope.”

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Yes, and by the time I asked for general anesthesia it was too late. First spontaneous birth was wayyyy better than the induced one. So painful 😖

I’ve watched women labor with pitocin and I’m convinced that it is the devil. 😩

2 births with no epidural - one was spontaneous and I barely remember it, the other was induced and excruciating 😖

I got an epidural and it was a godsend. It really does depend on who the doctor is though. I didn't even feel the needle with my doctor. My thing was: if it's safe for the baby and me, why feel pain when I don't have to? It also came in clutch when my doctor was in the middle of delivering another baby and I had to wait. If I didn't have an epidural, that would have been agony. On top of that, my epidural made me able to appreciate the process of having my kid rather than just suffering through it until it was over.

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I didn’t get an epi and I didn’t feel that I suffered through the labour and delivery even after being induced medically. I was still fully aware of what was going on, and talking through it, even laughed a few times. I think this idea that its pure agony makes it feel even worse.

I'm glad you didn't feel like you suffered through giving birth and that you felt you were able to appreciate the process of giving birth without an epidural. For me, it was incredibly painful. I took a nap at 4cm and woke up at 9cm and my contractions were incredibly painful. I made jokes between contractions, but I was struggling. All I could think was, "Please, God, let this be over." After my epidural, I was personally able to appreciate the whole experience as it was hard more. My intent in sharing my experience isn't to scare anyone or misrepresent the amount of pain, only to share what worked for me

I got the epidural because I was in absolute agony. It actually sped up my labor by a lot. I was 2 cm dilated when they gave it to me and 20 mins later I was 10 cm dilated and my son’s head was at the end of the vaginal canal, ready to go 🤷🏻‍♀️

I had a 22-ish hour labor with no epidural. If I hadn’t had the laughing gas during transition, though, I would have 100% gotten the epidural as the contractions were right on top of each other without a break and I could barely even breathe. I know there’s possible medical complications and side effects that you can feel even years later, but there is also a lot of women who get them and they and their babies are just fine. Epidural, laughing gas, C-sec, water birth, drug-free - we are all moms in the end and decisions made for and in labor don’t change that. Do what feels best for you in labor. Don’t feel pressured by what anyone tells you, and do what feels right when you’re in the middle of it!

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Yes yes yes!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Yup. After 3 or 2 days of labor I'm exhausted and need a nap but can't relax between contractions

Also, if you ever want to talk about birth, please reach out to me! I’d caution you to avoid listening to “not having a plan” and all the horror stories about how “excruciating” birth is (if you want to do it natural/unmedicated). No, everything won’t go EXACTLY as planned, but it’s good to know what YOU want. No, it’s not an easy walk in the park and yes it is hard work, but if all you’re focused on is how “painful” it is - that’s all you’re going to feel. Does that make sense? If you’re tensing up during contractions instead of relaxing your limps, breathing properly, surrending to each contraction instead of fighting them, and taking it one at a time, then it’s going to hurt more and mess with you mentally. ❤️ Having done it both ways, I’d like to think I’m unbiased haha!

My epidural experience was great! Doctor was awesome and hardly felt it. I was induced and experienced labor for under and hour before I got mine. Will get one for any future pregnancies!

personally I did the epidural - I have a high pain threshold but labor pains were a lot and I was being bitchy.. I felt amazing after the epidural and I laughed through pushing. I think that it was a great move for myself, but it could be different for you! do what you think is best for you & don't try to plan it out first because once you're in labor everything does a 180 and plans kind of fly out the window. just relax and go with it mama you will get through it either way!

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