I breastfed my daughter until she was 27 months. The latter part of that was definitely comfort for her as she was eating full meals. It's totally normal for the comfort nursing and you should continue to nurse for as long as you are comfortable doing so.
I love the bond me and my toddler have created but sometimes I feel that breastfeeding gets in the way of his bond with his dad. @Jenny How do you start the night weaning process? He still bed shares with us?
Yes we still bed share. So I started saying "okay 10 more seconds", then counting aloud to 10, and taking her off. If she fussed I did it again. Eventually they get it and you only feed for a few seconds. This week I began saying to her at night before we go to sleep, "You can have milky now, and then no milky till morning. If you wake up you can snuggle me, but no more milky till morning." So when she wakes up and tries to feed I say to her no milky till morning, and she fusses a bit then cuddles me and goes back to sleep. It's a slow process, and is taking longer than my first, but it is working!
Thank you so much I will give it a try 😊
Keep going as long as you want! There are so many benefits to breastfeeding toddlers, from attachment to antibodies etc. Only stop if you feel you don't want to do it anymore, or if your bub gets over it. If you want to night wean you can still feed to sleep, then feed in the morning. We are in the process of night weaning now, so I can get better sleep.